Under the watchful eye of the Divisional Music Director, these students performed a variety of
Salvation Army music & drama.
Lieutenant Carlos Roja, Corps officer, welcomed over 50 young people to the morning worship service and it was standing room only for the service.
Lieutenant Roja brought the morning message, assisted by his wife and the Sergeant Major.
The service opened with the fabled 'Star Lake March' by the conservatory brass band. This was followed by the Conservatory Songsters and the drama section. All three sections made outstanding contributions to morning worship.
The Salvation Army is noted for it's work with young people throughout the world and the same is true in the state of Florida. The Salvation Army's Camp Keystone is home to the Conservatory.
I was particularly impressed with the brass band which performed at a very high level. Whether performing a rousing march or a meaningful devotional, the band showed an incredible discipline as they played.
After morning worship there was a time of fellowship over lunch and then an afternoon concert.
Everyone in attendance was filled with excitement as the Salvation Army youth ministered to all present. (Gary Laws)