The "By His Stripes" Journal online magazine is published by Evangelical Media Ministries of Lexington, Kentucky. Gary Laws, blogger, has served as a Pastor in the evangelical church and in many practical grassroots ministries for over 45 years. Seventeen of those years were in Salvation Army churches. While Gary is a Salvationist, this blog is not an official organ of The Salvation Army and all views expressed here are solely those of the blogger.

Thursday, March 31, 2022
The Song 'Heavenward', by Gary Laws (Melody: Verse of 'At the Cross'.
I wrote this in 2016 while contemplating the reality of heaven. Now, with my Susan gone, I think about heaven a bit more often. 'Some day I shall be like HIM'.
Thursday, March 24, 2022
Eggs, Cereal, Toast and Bacon- from 'Simple Thoughts from a Simple Man' by Gary Laws
What a great morning! Rose at 5AM and headed for the kitchen determined to give my wife a treat. With breakfast in bed my goal, I opened the refrigerator and pulled out the eggs, bacon, and potatoes. I scrambled, diced and fried for the next half hour taking in the aroma along the way. I put on a pot of coffee and popped the bread in the toaster… all the time anticipating her surprise when it is served up. Even though my Vegan friends would have probably preferred hearing of me serving up a Peanut Butter Granola Breakfast, somehow this seemed to be the right way to go. You should have seen the smile on my wife's face as I proudly strolled into the bedroom, breakfast fare in hand! Boy was it good and it made for a wonderful start to the day. For years I never ate breakfast. I always liked to get in that last few minutes of sleep before rising, showering and heading out the door to work! Lunch and Dinner always seemed more than adequate most days.
Nutritionists, however, tell us that if we are to properly maintain our health we should recognize that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It sets the stage for kicking in the metabolism and helps us concentrate better at work and school. It is, generally, a must if we are to develop into strong, healthy human beings. It also helps us develop a "staying" power for all that will be required of us throughout the day.
Can There Be a Spiritual Application Here? As I think of this, it makes me wonder if the same is not true for the healthy development of our spiritual life! Can there be a 'spiritual' breakfast served up that will have a similar effect on our spiritual health?
I think of the example my mother set for us. She would rise very early in the morning, always before the sun would come up, and she would have a quiet time for herself and meditate. After a short time she would pull out her Bible and read several passages of scripture before falling to her knees for a time of prayer before God. Today I was thinking to myself, this was her recipe for a 'spiritual breakfast'. It included a quiet time for oneself, Bible study, and then a season of prayer.
It set the stage for her 'spiritual metabolism' to kick in. She always maintained that it helped her keep her focus, and asserted that it gave her the strength to be consistent and 'energy' filled throughout the day. I think Mom became spiritually equipped during this morning 'breakfast' of hers. She was better prepared to face the day and the challenges the day would bring. God bless her for the example she set.
How do you start each day? O, you say you have been a Christian for many years and you have already discovered this? Wonderful.....but are you doing it....every day? If you have fallen a bit by the wayside and your spiritual strength is not what it ought to be, try this recipe out! You just might be surprised at how well your day goes.
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Friday, March 18, 2022
Thursday, March 10, 2022
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Why is it Taking So Long for the Return of Jesus?
Frankly, I am growing impatient! We have been watching and waiting for the Lord to come again for two thousand years! Our world is sick. Its people seem farther away from Him than ever. Pain, agony, anguish, war, pestilence, and disease, all encompass us and there seems to be so little that we can do. However, regardless of what we may think or feel, Jesus DID promise
He would return and take all of His people to live with Him for all eternity.