

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

An Opposing View Worth Considering

How well are you living your life? Most people think they are doing just fine! I often wonder what others think of how well I am doing. Most often we never learn of this as folks are to polite to be critical. Yet, would it not be helpful to know?

I remember, when I was in seminary, a young student came and knelt beside me while we were in prayer meeting. He said, essentially, "Gary, I don't like you very much but I am asking God to help me love you as a fellow Christian." many years before that, while I was in government service, a community leader told me rather bluntly, "Gary, you are all style and little substance!"

My first reaction to both of these candid remarks was to be offended. After some thought, however, I asked myself, "what is causing them to feel this way?" I start thinking of my behaviors and my interactions with others. If I am not very likable or if I am superficial, what can I do about it?

Well, I am not suggesting that we all rush out and start telling people exactly what we think. That might do more harm than good. Still, I am grateful to those who find a kind way of sharing their thoughts so that I might become better. It may just help me live a better life.

As for now, many years later, I try to live introspectively. It is my desire to always be genuine in my relationship with others. Treating people as I would like to be treated, if you will. I have learned to take great joy in uplifting others and making them feel good about themselves while, at the same time, helping them see opportunities for personal growth.

Mostly, I desire to share  the love of God as I have come to know it.

I have also learned not to take myself so seriously.

How about you? Do you think pretty highly of yourself and your accomplishments? Perhaps that is warranted. Remember though, someone out their might have an opposing view!

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