

Friday, October 2, 2015

We Have Done Away with God!

Mass murder is but one of the symptoms of our declining society. There are many more.

The disintegration of the nuclear family, divorce higher than ever, single parent households higher than ever, explosive sexual content in all forms of media, church going on the decline, the banning of God in the public arena, the increasing restriction on religious speech and on the list goes.

You can believe whatever you want, but we are reaping the benefits of a culture who has done away with God.

We have become a hedonistic society whose only concern is doing what feels good regardless of the consequences. What used to be regarded as right and virtuous is now considered to be narrow minded, bigoted, hateful and ...downright wrong!

Yes, you can believe whatever you want! That is your right.

I believe, like the ostrich who places his head in the sand, we have become blind to all that is good and righteous! GDL

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