

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Churches Help Wanted Sign-Intro to "That God May Use Me" by Gary Laws

“Wanted, hearts baptized with fire,
Hearts completely cleansed from sin,
Hearts that will go to the mire,
Hearts that dare do aught for him;
Hearts that will be firmer, braver,
Hearts like heroes gone before,
Hearts enjoying God‘s full favor,
Hearts to love him more and more.”
John Lawley (1859-1922)

“Help Wanted” read the sign in the window
of a Syracuse, New York grocery store in 1955. It
attracted the interest of many young men who were
desperately looking for work. Some were of school
age and others were older persons with responsibilities
and families to support.

The owner of the store had taken many dozens
of applications and was having difficulty
deciding who the best candidate would be. To his
dismay, none of the applicants seemed to be the
„right one‟ for the position.

He was looking for someone who demonstrated
a desire to pursue the grocery business as a
lifelong career. Of the applications he had received,
it appeared that none met his criteria. He needed
someone who would be willing to work many
hours, learn all facets of the business and devote his
life to the success of the store; with a view toward
one day being in full charge.

One day a youth about 18 years old applied
for the position. During the interview he said to the
owner, “Sir, I will do everything it takes to become
the best employee you have. I am willing to take
any position and I am willing to learn whatever is
required.” The owner explained to this young man
that he would have to start out as a stock clerk, but
there would be room for advancement if he could
prove himself. He told the boy that he would be
with him each step of the way, giving him the
needed instruction and encouragement to succeed…
if he was willing to make a total commitment to the

Excitedly, the young man told the owner that
he would have his full commitment to the success
of the business. He was hired on the spot!
There is a sense in which there is posted outside
many of our churches today, a „Help Wanted‟
sign. God is calling people who are willing to make
a full commitment to Him in Christian service. Our
Lord is telling us that if we are willing to do what is
required, He will walk with us each step of the way,
providing the necessary instruction, encouragement,
and favor so that we might succeed; first in
our personal Christian walk and then in our personal
service to Him and, then, others who need to
learn of Him.

“That God May Use Me” has been written
for those who desire to be used of God in ways that
He directs. In these pages you will find inspiration,
instruction and encouragement as you seek to
discover how God might best put you to work for
the Kingdom.

There is no greater calling than the calling to
Christian mission. That calling may lead many of
my readers down different paths of service. Whatever
those paths may be; one thing is for certain…
God has a plan for your life and discovering
that plan, and responding to it, will be an exciting
adventure unparalleled by any other you might
experience in life.

This book has been written for the layperson,
however, many considering full time service in
ministry will benefit from it as well.
God is searching for hearts baptized with
fire; people whose hearts have been cleansed from
sin and are willing to go into the mire of this world,
as thousands have before. God will bestow His
favor and blessing upon those willing to make this
commitment. Great miracles will flow from the
consecrated hearts of Gods people who are willing
to do His bidding.

May God bless you as you seek His will for
your life and, while doing so, declaring to the world
your desire, “That God May Use Me!”

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