"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works” (II Timothy 3:16,17).
Recently a FB friend wrote and suggested that our God is a God of tolerance. His point was that Christians should be tolerant of everyones view (and behaviors) however liberal it may be deemed and that they should allow for it. His comments were in the context of "don't take the Bible to seriously"
It would seem that this more liberal position does not allow for teaching (imposition) of doctrine, correction, reproof, and instruction in righteousness.
For me this notion of tolerance is a liberal construct designed to give equal weight to all belief systems and validate most, if not all, behaviors.
I appreciate everyones view, even tolerate it. That, however, does not allow me to ignore what God lays on my heart. Either the above quoted scripture means what it says or we can have little faith in anything scripture says. Forgive my simplistic views.
Is our God intentionally ambiguous or does He say what He means? I accept that we do not have all of the answers to the mystery of scripture but surely God has given us some of those answers. If the great issues of life are not clear in it's pages, then why follow it at all?
The "By His Stripes" Journal online magazine is published by Evangelical Media Ministries of Lexington, Kentucky. Gary Laws, blogger, has served as a Pastor in the evangelical church and in many practical grassroots ministries for over 45 years. Seventeen of those years were in Salvation Army churches. While Gary is a Salvationist, this blog is not an official organ of The Salvation Army and all views expressed here are solely those of the blogger.

Some folk who quote Scripture to prove a point rely upon it when it helps them in their extreme liberal views. They may speak about love and that God loves everyone.True.When certain behavior and practices are condemned , some verses are denied any authority or the meaning of the words are incorrect, we are told. If some Scripture is unreliable , how is any reliable ? I believe that God has the power to keep His Word intact. What He has revealed is enough for now but once Christians are in eternity much more will be revealed. As time goes by I have seen more and more people rejecting the authority of Scripture. Satan and demons are using a strong tactic but we can rely upon the Holy Spirit to help us to rightly divide the Word.
ReplyDeleteBob Deidrick