How many remember when the CO's lived on the building? Do you recall when all the Corps bills had to be paid before the CO received his/her /their allowance? How many recall the only vehicle a Corps had was a black station wagon which had to display a large red shield on each of the front doors? Perhaps you remember having to do a Tavern Route twice a week just to make ends meet. Do your memories include when the CO had to work a secular job because the Corps could not pay allowance at all?
Not many actually have these memories anymore. Some will say we have come a long way since those days.
Have We?
The "By His Stripes" Journal online magazine is published by Evangelical Media Ministries of Lexington, Kentucky. Gary Laws, blogger, has served as a Pastor in the evangelical church and in many practical grassroots ministries for over 45 years. Seventeen of those years were in Salvation Army churches. While Gary is a Salvationist, this blog is not an official organ of The Salvation Army and all views expressed here are solely those of the blogger.

Sunday, September 26, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Journey to the Center of the Soul
This next week I have committed to taking a personal inventory. I think I know where I am but I am not always certain of where I am going. My goal is to set aside 4 hours each day for prayer and personal reflection on how my life can improve. I want to discover what changes I can make that will enhance my quality of life and the quality of life of those surrounding me.
1) Set aside some time every day in a comfortable place.
2) Turn your cell phone off if you can.
3) Avoid other distractions.
4) Think on the subject of the day and spend time praying about it.
5) Make a list of all that comes to mind.
6) Review the list and consolidate your thoughts.
How can I improve my quality of physical and emotional health?
Is my diet what it should be? Am I overweight? Do I get enough excercize? Do I have any bad habits that could change? Do I see a doctor regularly?
What can I do, that I am not already doing, to improve my spiritual life ?
Is my prayer life what it should be? What of my devotional life? Do I recognize opportunities that God sends my way?
How can I improve, and expand, my relationships with others?
Am I always making friends? How do I treat my friends? Do I spend quality time with friends and acquaintances? Am I there when my friends need me?
Are there ministry opportunities that I am overlooking?
Does my church need volunteers? Am I giving of my time to my churches various ministries? What more can I do?
Review each of the above to determine if there are other areas to be considered..
Each of the above steps, I believe, should be helpful as I seek to improve who I am. I see it as essential that God's face be sought out in this process of discovery. Ultimately, He has the answers to these questions and more.
It also occurs to me that this type of excercise is useful regardless of what stage of life we are in. I am retired and have a lot of time on my hands. Others time may be more limited. The idea of being introspective is one that serves everyone well and I invite those who read my blog to enter into a similar committment. God will bless it.
1) Set aside some time every day in a comfortable place.
2) Turn your cell phone off if you can.
3) Avoid other distractions.
4) Think on the subject of the day and spend time praying about it.
5) Make a list of all that comes to mind.
6) Review the list and consolidate your thoughts.
How can I improve my quality of physical and emotional health?
Is my diet what it should be? Am I overweight? Do I get enough excercize? Do I have any bad habits that could change? Do I see a doctor regularly?
What can I do, that I am not already doing, to improve my spiritual life ?
Is my prayer life what it should be? What of my devotional life? Do I recognize opportunities that God sends my way?
How can I improve, and expand, my relationships with others?
Am I always making friends? How do I treat my friends? Do I spend quality time with friends and acquaintances? Am I there when my friends need me?
Are there ministry opportunities that I am overlooking?
Does my church need volunteers? Am I giving of my time to my churches various ministries? What more can I do?
Review each of the above to determine if there are other areas to be considered..
Each of the above steps, I believe, should be helpful as I seek to improve who I am. I see it as essential that God's face be sought out in this process of discovery. Ultimately, He has the answers to these questions and more.
It also occurs to me that this type of excercise is useful regardless of what stage of life we are in. I am retired and have a lot of time on my hands. Others time may be more limited. The idea of being introspective is one that serves everyone well and I invite those who read my blog to enter into a similar committment. God will bless it.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Angels Unaware?
Could we be entertaining angels unaware? What a wonderful thought, to think that as all of the people in the world pass us by, one of them could just be an angel that was sent here to see if we would take time for a moment to give a smile, or even a dollar for a sandwich or a cup of coffee, or maybe just a hug. Perhaps... this thought could be extended to responsible health care, tax relief, shelter and clothing.
There are millions in the US and tens of millions around the world that desperately need someone to care about their plight in life. Countless faith based organizations exist yet, still, the need goes on.
What can you do today to help?
There are millions in the US and tens of millions around the world that desperately need someone to care about their plight in life. Countless faith based organizations exist yet, still, the need goes on.
What can you do today to help?
Saturday, September 11, 2010
"The Wounds of Christ are Open"
by Evangeline Booth (Booth's notes follow on how the song came to be written)
Dark shadows were falling.
My spirit appalling,
For hid in my heart sin's deep crimson stains lay;
And when I was weeping,
The past o'er me creeping,
I heard of the blood which can wash sin away.
The wounds of Christ are open,
Sinner, they were made for thee;
The wounds of Christ are open,
There for refuge flee.
It soothes all life's sorrows,
It smooths all its furrows,
It binds up the wounds which transgression has made;
It turns night to morning,
So truly adorning
The spirit with joy when all other lights fade.
Come, cast in thy sorrow,
Wait not till tomorrow.
Life's evening is closing, the death-bell will toll;
His blood for thee streaming,
His grace so redeeming,
His love intervening will pardon thy soul.
How the song Came to be written by Evangeline Booth
"Returning to my quarters late one November evening," wrote Evangeline Booth, "after battling with cold, sleet and misery, dressed in rags that I might get nearer to the hearts and lives of the poorest of those with whom I mingled in the slums of London, I vainly struggled to banish from my mind and pitying heart the awful scenes I had looked upon. Men, women and children with broken lives, broken hearts and broken characters; hopeless and helpless, trapped like wild animals at bay.
"One picture I could not banish. The beautiful face and golden head of the little fifteen-year-old mother, appearing in the filthy, dark, boxlike room as a jewel amid ruins; the fast and bitter tears falling on the human mite dead in her arms; the despair in the frightened blue eyes as she said, 'Look, there is no place for the baby or for me in life or in death. Where can I hide the baby? Where can I hide myself?'
"At one o'clock the following morning I wrote this song" -- the answer to the heart-cry of the child-mother:
Evangeline Booth
Dark shadows were falling.
My spirit appalling,
For hid in my heart sin's deep crimson stains lay;
And when I was weeping,
The past o'er me creeping,
I heard of the blood which can wash sin away.
The wounds of Christ are open,
Sinner, they were made for thee;
The wounds of Christ are open,
There for refuge flee.
It soothes all life's sorrows,
It smooths all its furrows,
It binds up the wounds which transgression has made;
It turns night to morning,
So truly adorning
The spirit with joy when all other lights fade.
Come, cast in thy sorrow,
Wait not till tomorrow.
Life's evening is closing, the death-bell will toll;
His blood for thee streaming,
His grace so redeeming,
His love intervening will pardon thy soul.
How the song Came to be written by Evangeline Booth
"Returning to my quarters late one November evening," wrote Evangeline Booth, "after battling with cold, sleet and misery, dressed in rags that I might get nearer to the hearts and lives of the poorest of those with whom I mingled in the slums of London, I vainly struggled to banish from my mind and pitying heart the awful scenes I had looked upon. Men, women and children with broken lives, broken hearts and broken characters; hopeless and helpless, trapped like wild animals at bay.
"One picture I could not banish. The beautiful face and golden head of the little fifteen-year-old mother, appearing in the filthy, dark, boxlike room as a jewel amid ruins; the fast and bitter tears falling on the human mite dead in her arms; the despair in the frightened blue eyes as she said, 'Look, there is no place for the baby or for me in life or in death. Where can I hide the baby? Where can I hide myself?'
"At one o'clock the following morning I wrote this song" -- the answer to the heart-cry of the child-mother:
Evangeline Booth
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
"Better or Better Off?
Have you ever encountered people who act as if they are better than you? I imagine we all have from time to time. There are those in the world who think rather highly of themselves. Perhaps they see themselves as better educated or better 'bred'. Some believe their intellectual capacity is deeper than yours, whether or not that is true. Maybe they look down on the simplicity with which you approach life, preferring to believe they have the superior approach to life's challenges. Whatever the reason, those who think a bit to much of themselves have that 'attitude' which is not hard to recognize.
Even in the Christian church this can be true, especially as it regards our attitude toward the unsaved. Many times we have difficulty winning the lost because our attitude toward them is somewhat condescending. There is always the danger that we are 'thinking to highly of ourselves' simply because we are saved and they are not. Be very careful!
We may be 'better off' (spiritually) by virtue of our relationship with Him, however, we are not any 'better' than the most humble of humankind!
"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Phillipians 2:3,4
"For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself."
Galatians 6:3 (King James Version)
Even in the Christian church this can be true, especially as it regards our attitude toward the unsaved. Many times we have difficulty winning the lost because our attitude toward them is somewhat condescending. There is always the danger that we are 'thinking to highly of ourselves' simply because we are saved and they are not. Be very careful!
We may be 'better off' (spiritually) by virtue of our relationship with Him, however, we are not any 'better' than the most humble of humankind!
"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Phillipians 2:3,4
"For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself."
Galatians 6:3 (King James Version)
Sunday, September 5, 2010
"The Jericho Principle" copyright 2008 Gary D. Laws
In the biblical account of Joshua, concerning the fall of Jericho, there is something to be learned about what I have come to refer to as, 'The Jericho Principle'. We learn that there was a plan, the plan was given by God, it was to be followed to the letter and it was to be carried out by the foot soldiers.
First, Joshua was a general with much military experience. Left to his own resources, he might have developed a plan and strategy which might have been successful. Yet, God determined to give Joshua a specific plan of His making.
Second, God had required that the plan be carried out just as He had given it. The plan was specific and God's instruction to Joshua was clear. March around the city on each of six days and the seventh day Joshua and his contingent would march around the city seven times with Priest blowing the Ram's horns. When Joshua's soldiers heard the Ram's horns they would give a great shout and the walls would fall.
Third, it has not escaped me that it was the soldiers who were to carry the plan out under Josua's leadership.
When the plan had been carried out, the walls of Jericho would fall and their's would be the victory!
So it is today as we strive to serve God. God will give His people a plan and expect them to carry it out. Many times this plan may come through their leaders, but it would be the soldiers who would make good on it. Given this, the victory will be won.
Have you discovered God's plan for you? Seek Him out! He will give it and you will win the victory if you carry it out. Joshua could have marched by himself but I suspect the victory could not have been won had his followers not followed Joshua's instructions as given by God.
Discover His will, vow to carry it out, enlist others in the effort and the victory will be yours.!
God Bless you! condensed, edited and modified from "That God May Use Me" by Gary Laws
First, Joshua was a general with much military experience. Left to his own resources, he might have developed a plan and strategy which might have been successful. Yet, God determined to give Joshua a specific plan of His making.
Second, God had required that the plan be carried out just as He had given it. The plan was specific and God's instruction to Joshua was clear. March around the city on each of six days and the seventh day Joshua and his contingent would march around the city seven times with Priest blowing the Ram's horns. When Joshua's soldiers heard the Ram's horns they would give a great shout and the walls would fall.
Third, it has not escaped me that it was the soldiers who were to carry the plan out under Josua's leadership.
When the plan had been carried out, the walls of Jericho would fall and their's would be the victory!
So it is today as we strive to serve God. God will give His people a plan and expect them to carry it out. Many times this plan may come through their leaders, but it would be the soldiers who would make good on it. Given this, the victory will be won.
Have you discovered God's plan for you? Seek Him out! He will give it and you will win the victory if you carry it out. Joshua could have marched by himself but I suspect the victory could not have been won had his followers not followed Joshua's instructions as given by God.
Discover His will, vow to carry it out, enlist others in the effort and the victory will be yours.!
God Bless you! condensed, edited and modified from "That God May Use Me" by Gary Laws
Friday, September 3, 2010
Praise and Worship
"Praise and Worship is 'heart thing' that, more often than not, is expressed in the quietness of ones soul. It is always a vertical expression that calls attention only to God!" GDL in "Nothing But the Truth"
Thursday, September 2, 2010
"JOY in The Salvation Army"
Joy! joy! joy! there is joy in The Salvation Army,
Joy! joy! joy! in the Army of the Lord.
Sing to God, sing to God, with loud joyful songs of praise;
Beat the drums, beat the drums, while salvation music plays.
Play the music, play, sing the happy song,
Loud hosannas shout with the happy throng,
To the happy land we'll march along,
And be joyful all the way.
What a great chorus this is! Simple but to the point! I remember singing this as a young man in our Salvation Army meetings many years ago. Our Corps was a simple storefront, but our soldiers sang as if they were in the greatest cathedral. I remember the band loudly punctuating the words, 'Joy, Joy, Joy!' We may still hear this chorus sung from time to time. The words of the chorus speak to what should be a real experience for all of those following Jesus Christ whether they are in The Salvation Army or not!
Sing to God with loud and joyful songs of praise! Beat the drum (literally or figuratively) while salvation music plays! To the happy land we'll march along and be joyful all the way!
This level of joy and happiness is contagious. It attracts all of those who are exposed to it. It portrays something of a reckless abandon in our faith and a willingness to be as little children as we allow our happiness to spread througout our being then out to all those around us.
Oh!, Christian friend...never lose the joy! Do not let anyone rob you of it!
There is, and always will be, joy in following Jesus!
Joy! joy! joy! in the Army of the Lord.
Sing to God, sing to God, with loud joyful songs of praise;
Beat the drums, beat the drums, while salvation music plays.
Play the music, play, sing the happy song,
Loud hosannas shout with the happy throng,
To the happy land we'll march along,
And be joyful all the way.
What a great chorus this is! Simple but to the point! I remember singing this as a young man in our Salvation Army meetings many years ago. Our Corps was a simple storefront, but our soldiers sang as if they were in the greatest cathedral. I remember the band loudly punctuating the words, 'Joy, Joy, Joy!' We may still hear this chorus sung from time to time. The words of the chorus speak to what should be a real experience for all of those following Jesus Christ whether they are in The Salvation Army or not!
Sing to God with loud and joyful songs of praise! Beat the drum (literally or figuratively) while salvation music plays! To the happy land we'll march along and be joyful all the way!
This level of joy and happiness is contagious. It attracts all of those who are exposed to it. It portrays something of a reckless abandon in our faith and a willingness to be as little children as we allow our happiness to spread througout our being then out to all those around us.
Oh!, Christian friend...never lose the joy! Do not let anyone rob you of it!
There is, and always will be, joy in following Jesus!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
A Young Officers Failing!
Many years ago in my home Corps we were sent a young Lieutenant. He seemed like a nice young man. The Corps Officer assigned him, among other responsibilities, the youth group. It was an active youth group. The soldiers supported these young people and they seemed to be enjoying their involvement in the youth activities, especially the Friday night teen gatherings.
A few of our youth were the children of a DHQ officcer couple who soon after the arrival of the Lieutenant were given farewell orders. After the OK's moved the new Lt. announced that Friday night teen group would only meet once a month. We were all perplexed! As the Lt. explained it, now that the OK's were gone, there wasn't much point in meeting every week, even though there were still 11 youth who wanted to meet. Nothing could sway this young man from his decision. The Corps officer spoke with the young Lieutenant but the Lieutenant refused. The CO said there was little he could do. Over the next three months, our Corps lost all 11 of these precious youth to other churches whose youth were meeting every week. Their non Army friends invited them.
Seem incredible? Yes it does, but let me assure you this actually happened.
Our young people are a precious gift from God. We have been given the responsibility to nurture them in the faith and give them reason to be found in God's house. I have often thought that God will hold that young Lieutenant accountable for his actions, in the next world or in this one. Today he is a DHQ officer of significant position.
I try not to be see five of those youth were my children! Today they serve their denominations as fine Christian adults. One has returned to the Army. Another is the wife of a Baptist minister. Yet another a fine Christian lady serving in the Christian Missionary Alliance, still another with the Nazarene Church and all very much involved with the youth groups.
Can you imagine what could have been? Our children have given us 22 grandchildren who might have been soldiers, local officers and Officers in full time service. Now, understand that we are proud of each one of them, and we praise God for their involvement with their churches...... but deep in my heart I have always coveted them for the Army.
Oh! what might have been had a young Lieutenant had a vision for the future!!!! Are the children worth your personal attention? Oh, yes, yes, a thousand times yes!
So what can be done today? First recognise that your ministry may have an impact on several generations yet unborn. Second, get to work engaging your youth in activities that are of interest to them. Third, Do this because you desire to reach them for God and the Army and really mean it! Fourth, remain consistant, week after week. Don't cancel programs if it is not necessary. And fifth, know that ministry to youth is how you really build a lasting congregation.
God Bless you.
A few of our youth were the children of a DHQ officcer couple who soon after the arrival of the Lieutenant were given farewell orders. After the OK's moved the new Lt. announced that Friday night teen group would only meet once a month. We were all perplexed! As the Lt. explained it, now that the OK's were gone, there wasn't much point in meeting every week, even though there were still 11 youth who wanted to meet. Nothing could sway this young man from his decision. The Corps officer spoke with the young Lieutenant but the Lieutenant refused. The CO said there was little he could do. Over the next three months, our Corps lost all 11 of these precious youth to other churches whose youth were meeting every week. Their non Army friends invited them.
Seem incredible? Yes it does, but let me assure you this actually happened.
Our young people are a precious gift from God. We have been given the responsibility to nurture them in the faith and give them reason to be found in God's house. I have often thought that God will hold that young Lieutenant accountable for his actions, in the next world or in this one. Today he is a DHQ officer of significant position.
I try not to be see five of those youth were my children! Today they serve their denominations as fine Christian adults. One has returned to the Army. Another is the wife of a Baptist minister. Yet another a fine Christian lady serving in the Christian Missionary Alliance, still another with the Nazarene Church and all very much involved with the youth groups.
Can you imagine what could have been? Our children have given us 22 grandchildren who might have been soldiers, local officers and Officers in full time service. Now, understand that we are proud of each one of them, and we praise God for their involvement with their churches...... but deep in my heart I have always coveted them for the Army.
Oh! what might have been had a young Lieutenant had a vision for the future!!!! Are the children worth your personal attention? Oh, yes, yes, a thousand times yes!
So what can be done today? First recognise that your ministry may have an impact on several generations yet unborn. Second, get to work engaging your youth in activities that are of interest to them. Third, Do this because you desire to reach them for God and the Army and really mean it! Fourth, remain consistant, week after week. Don't cancel programs if it is not necessary. And fifth, know that ministry to youth is how you really build a lasting congregation.
God Bless you.
The Salvation Army-Still a Force For God?
Now, before you prejudge what I am about to write let me say the question is rhetorical! Of course, The Salvation Army is still a mighty force for God in todays world! Because it is run by mere mankind it may have it's shortcomings, but there can be no question about the scores of people around the world who are coming into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ because of it's ministry!
It was my privelege to serve for many years as one of it's officers (ministers). Leaving due to the ill health of my wife two years ago, I must confess that I miss my service in it's ranks very much. However, I am always encouraged as I now sit back and watch others minister in ways that only the Army affords it's members.
Today, The Salvation Army is on the front lines of Christian service around the world, some 120 countries now I believe. Offered the chance, I would return in a minute! (At 64 years of age that is doubtful)
From South America to Europe, from North America to Asia, the Army continues to fight social ills while at the same time offering the Gospel to all who will listen.
Is The Salvation Army still a force for God in today's world? you bet it is and, God willing, it always will be.
It was my privelege to serve for many years as one of it's officers (ministers). Leaving due to the ill health of my wife two years ago, I must confess that I miss my service in it's ranks very much. However, I am always encouraged as I now sit back and watch others minister in ways that only the Army affords it's members.
Today, The Salvation Army is on the front lines of Christian service around the world, some 120 countries now I believe. Offered the chance, I would return in a minute! (At 64 years of age that is doubtful)
From South America to Europe, from North America to Asia, the Army continues to fight social ills while at the same time offering the Gospel to all who will listen.
Is The Salvation Army still a force for God in today's world? you bet it is and, God willing, it always will be.
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