

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Reflections on the Past

How many remember when the CO's lived on the building? Do you recall when all the Corps bills had to be paid before the CO received his/her /their allowance? How many recall the only vehicle a Corps had was a black station wagon which had to display a large red shield on each of the front doors? Perhaps you remember having to do a Tavern Route twice a week just to make ends meet. Do your memories include when the CO had to work a secular job because the Corps could not pay allowance at all?

Not many actually have these memories anymore. Some will say we have come a long way since those days.

Have We?

1 comment:

  1. I remember all of the above and DID most of the above, except the twice a week tavern route. That was only once a week.

    You forgot to ask about driving hundreds of miles to sell the Christmas and Easter War Crys -- the only time the rest of the county would see you!!


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