"Rescue the perishing, care for the dying,
Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave;
Weep o’er the erring one, lift up the fallen,
Tell them of Jesus, the mighty to save.
Rescue the perishing, care for the dying,
Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save.
(Fanny Crosby)
Do we really weep o're the erring one or do we look upon them critically? How about the fallen? Do we lift them up or leave them to die on the battlefield? One day God will judge our hearts. Such judgement will be based on our behavior, not the words of the songs we sing!
The "By His Stripes" Journal online magazine is published by Evangelical Media Ministries of Lexington, Kentucky. Gary Laws, blogger, has served as a Pastor in the evangelical church and in many practical grassroots ministries for over 45 years. Seventeen of those years were in Salvation Army churches. While Gary is a Salvationist, this blog is not an official organ of The Salvation Army and all views expressed here are solely those of the blogger.

Saturday, July 23, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
What Does It Mean to Trust God?
On the way home from church I saw a church message board that said, "Got Problems? Trust Jesus!" I thought to myself, "if life could be so simple!" How many of us have had people say to us, when sharing the challenges of life, "you just have to trust God!".
In church we sings hymns like, 'Trusting as the moments fly', or 'Trust and Obey' and I often wonder if we really understand what those words mean. Is it possible for us to just turn over the cares of life to God and forget about them? I would suggest, No!
Now, before you get all upset about my theology, hear me out. In order for us to have the privelege of turning our cares over to the Almighty, and then expecting Him to handle them, I would suggest that there is something more required of us. I maintain that we cannot abandon our cares without some prerequisite behavior. This is my point, if we are to trust God to handle our affairs, we must also be acting responsibly and living righteously!
The Bible says, "O LORD of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee. "For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory : no good thing will he withold from them who walk uprightly."(Psalm 84:9-12) This Psalm helps us understand that we can trust God for all good things... if we are walking uprightly! So now, the question becomes, 'what does it mean to walk uprightly'?
'Nancy and Rob' lived in the Midwest. They lived on a very meager income and often had trouble paying all of their financial obligations each month. They commented to me one day that they were having difficulty and, soon, they expected to have their utilities shut off. I asked them what they had planned to do about it and they responded, convincingly, that they were trusting God to provide. I thought how wonderful it was they had such trust.
Some time later I learned that this couple had a habit of going to a nearby casino every week. While there, they would spend about $50.00 and then go home when that was lost. That came to $200.00 a month being thrown away for what they called, 'entertainment'! When there utilities were finally shut off, they came to me for help. Well, you can imagine what my response was.
If we are to trust God to provide for us, we must, in my opinion, be acting responsibly. I do not believe the argument can be made that this couples behavior was responsible. We are, after all, the stewards of all that God gives us and He expects us to use what we have wisely.
Also, I have heard many people, who were not Christians, expect God to meet their needs without realizing that the promises of God are for His people. God will never withhold any good thing from those who belong to Him and are living in accordance with His word. The Psalmist said, "no good thing will he withhold from them walk uprightly".
Friends, today God wants you to know that whatever the challenges of life may be for you, you CAN trust Him....if you are living responsibly and righteously! Are you using your resources in such as way as to please God? Are your sins forgiven? Do you have the assurance in your heart that you belong to the family of God? If so, you can 'cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you (1st Peter 5:7)
I have found a friend in Jesus, He’s everything to me,
He’s the fairest of ten thousand to my soul;
The Lily of the Valley, in Him alone I see
All I need to cleanse and make me fully whole.
In sorrow He’s my comfort, in trouble He’s my stay;
He tells me every care on Him to roll.
He’s the Lily of the Valley, the Bright and Morning Star,
He’s the fairest of ten thousand to my soul.
Charles Fry
In church we sings hymns like, 'Trusting as the moments fly', or 'Trust and Obey' and I often wonder if we really understand what those words mean. Is it possible for us to just turn over the cares of life to God and forget about them? I would suggest, No!
Now, before you get all upset about my theology, hear me out. In order for us to have the privelege of turning our cares over to the Almighty, and then expecting Him to handle them, I would suggest that there is something more required of us. I maintain that we cannot abandon our cares without some prerequisite behavior. This is my point, if we are to trust God to handle our affairs, we must also be acting responsibly and living righteously!
The Bible says, "O LORD of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee. "For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory : no good thing will he withold from them who walk uprightly."(Psalm 84:9-12) This Psalm helps us understand that we can trust God for all good things... if we are walking uprightly! So now, the question becomes, 'what does it mean to walk uprightly'?
'Nancy and Rob' lived in the Midwest. They lived on a very meager income and often had trouble paying all of their financial obligations each month. They commented to me one day that they were having difficulty and, soon, they expected to have their utilities shut off. I asked them what they had planned to do about it and they responded, convincingly, that they were trusting God to provide. I thought how wonderful it was they had such trust.
Some time later I learned that this couple had a habit of going to a nearby casino every week. While there, they would spend about $50.00 and then go home when that was lost. That came to $200.00 a month being thrown away for what they called, 'entertainment'! When there utilities were finally shut off, they came to me for help. Well, you can imagine what my response was.
If we are to trust God to provide for us, we must, in my opinion, be acting responsibly. I do not believe the argument can be made that this couples behavior was responsible. We are, after all, the stewards of all that God gives us and He expects us to use what we have wisely.
Also, I have heard many people, who were not Christians, expect God to meet their needs without realizing that the promises of God are for His people. God will never withhold any good thing from those who belong to Him and are living in accordance with His word. The Psalmist said, "no good thing will he withhold from them walk uprightly".
Friends, today God wants you to know that whatever the challenges of life may be for you, you CAN trust Him....if you are living responsibly and righteously! Are you using your resources in such as way as to please God? Are your sins forgiven? Do you have the assurance in your heart that you belong to the family of God? If so, you can 'cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you (1st Peter 5:7)
I have found a friend in Jesus, He’s everything to me,
He’s the fairest of ten thousand to my soul;
The Lily of the Valley, in Him alone I see
All I need to cleanse and make me fully whole.
In sorrow He’s my comfort, in trouble He’s my stay;
He tells me every care on Him to roll.
He’s the Lily of the Valley, the Bright and Morning Star,
He’s the fairest of ten thousand to my soul.
Charles Fry
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Getting the Most Out of Prayer!
How we human beings love to plan. We plan vacations right down to the smallest of details. We plan business meetings for the purpose of achieving success, especially when those meetings include people who can be of most help to us. We plan our finances so as to maximize our income and wealth. So much planning!
During this mornings devotions, this thought came to me; "Shouldn't I put as much energy into planning my daily, personal prayer sessions as I do other activities in my life? There is much to organize and think out prior to actually entering into our private prayer sessions. Who will I pray for? What will I pray for? What will I ask of God? What about detailing each of those things I want to be grateful for?
When you actually think of it, our prayer sessions with the Almighty may actually be the most important personal business meeting of the day! After all, we will be meeting with the Creator of the universe!We should know ahead of time how we will best use that precious time. Spontaneity in prayer is wonderful. I would not diminish it's importance. However, I believe there is something to be said for planning each of the elements of our prayer time. Surely that time is at least as important as vacation! GDL
During this mornings devotions, this thought came to me; "Shouldn't I put as much energy into planning my daily, personal prayer sessions as I do other activities in my life? There is much to organize and think out prior to actually entering into our private prayer sessions. Who will I pray for? What will I pray for? What will I ask of God? What about detailing each of those things I want to be grateful for?
When you actually think of it, our prayer sessions with the Almighty may actually be the most important personal business meeting of the day! After all, we will be meeting with the Creator of the universe!We should know ahead of time how we will best use that precious time. Spontaneity in prayer is wonderful. I would not diminish it's importance. However, I believe there is something to be said for planning each of the elements of our prayer time. Surely that time is at least as important as vacation! GDL
Monday, July 11, 2011
Be Thankful for Your Partners in Ministry
I served many years as a church Pastor. During those years I was privileged to work alongside many lay leaders who selflessly gave of their time and resources to advance the ministry of the church. My denomination is The Salvation Army and so the size of my congregations varied from city to city. Their were some appointments I served that had few leaders and others that had strong leadership. Sometimes, activities like Sunday School, Men's and Women's groups, youth groups and more had to be led by my wife and I while other times we were in appointments where we were blessed with leadership which helped carry the responsibility.
I have always been very grateful to all of those who offered themselves through church service. My wife and I continue to hear from many of them, now many years later. What a blessing they were and continue to be.
Today, I am reminded how important it is to value our helpers in the faith. It occurs to me that there are many ways we can support them. Here are a few.
Pray For Them
Mostly, our partners in ministry need your prayerful support. They are needful of this. Most have accepted responsibility that is critical to the spiritual growth of the church and for some this is an enormous task. Pray for each one by name daily!
Encourage Them
From time to time, leaders may become discouraged in the course of fulfilling their function. There are many reasons for this. Church members may criticise their efforts. They may not always see results from their efforts. Some may suffer from burn out. Still others may be under attack from Satan himself. Whatever feelings they may develop, each needs to know they have the support of their Pastor and Church Staff. As each Pastor knows, leadership can be a lonely endeavor.
Take time to let them know they are appreciated. If they are being unfairly criticised by others, let them know that you are in their corner. You may even choose to have a chat with those doing the criticising. Pray with them. If they are not seeing the results that they expect from their ministry let them know that God works in His own time and way and will always honor their efforts.
Equip Them
Make room in your schedule to provide your leaders with the tools they need to accomplish their ministry task. Nothing can be more frustrating than to have a feeling of being ill equipped. Training is critical to their ministry effectiveness.The more they learn, the more confidence they will have.
Thank God for Them
Get on your knees before a Holy God and thank Him for those He has sent your way. Be sure, they are a gift from God.
God works in wonderful ways His purpose to fulfill.
I have always been very grateful to all of those who offered themselves through church service. My wife and I continue to hear from many of them, now many years later. What a blessing they were and continue to be.
Today, I am reminded how important it is to value our helpers in the faith. It occurs to me that there are many ways we can support them. Here are a few.
Pray For Them
Mostly, our partners in ministry need your prayerful support. They are needful of this. Most have accepted responsibility that is critical to the spiritual growth of the church and for some this is an enormous task. Pray for each one by name daily!
Encourage Them
From time to time, leaders may become discouraged in the course of fulfilling their function. There are many reasons for this. Church members may criticise their efforts. They may not always see results from their efforts. Some may suffer from burn out. Still others may be under attack from Satan himself. Whatever feelings they may develop, each needs to know they have the support of their Pastor and Church Staff. As each Pastor knows, leadership can be a lonely endeavor.
Take time to let them know they are appreciated. If they are being unfairly criticised by others, let them know that you are in their corner. You may even choose to have a chat with those doing the criticising. Pray with them. If they are not seeing the results that they expect from their ministry let them know that God works in His own time and way and will always honor their efforts.
Equip Them
Make room in your schedule to provide your leaders with the tools they need to accomplish their ministry task. Nothing can be more frustrating than to have a feeling of being ill equipped. Training is critical to their ministry effectiveness.The more they learn, the more confidence they will have.
Thank God for Them
Get on your knees before a Holy God and thank Him for those He has sent your way. Be sure, they are a gift from God.
God works in wonderful ways His purpose to fulfill.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Dealing with the Illness of Loved Ones and Other Challenges in Life
In 1992, my wife began showing signs of muscle weakness. At first it was mild. She had pains in her arms and legs, often her eyes would cross and her eyelids would shut involuntarily. Over about 6 months, the symptoms became worse and someone had to be home with her around the clock. I worked the day shift and my son the night shift which enabled one of us to be home at all times. Eventually she became totally unable to care for herself. Soon we had a diagnosis of Myastheina Gravis. We were not sure what the future would hold. After about a year, and many, many trips to the doctor and hospital, she went into remission and we were, indeed, a joyful family as she began to regain her abilities.
She did very well for several years, then illness struck again. She would begin to experience many behavioral difficulties which no one could adequately explain. More doctors and multiple hospitalizations. More discouraging diagnosis. Then came the heart attacks, two to be precise, and ultimately 3 full blown strokes and a severe bout with depression over a one year period. By this time my son had joined the military and our ministry had taken us far away from our other four children who, now, were grown and had families of their own. It became necessary to leave our ministry of many years and move closer to three of our children. More doctors and hospitals, most recently a two month stay at which time we almost lost her.
Recently, the overall diagnosis for these newer conditions became Vascular Dementia, resulting from the strokes. Once again, this wonderful lady found herself totally dependent upon others for even the most simple things in life such as dressing, bathing, walking, eating and more. She is not always able to speak as she would like or formulate her words. Often, she will sit on the edge of the bed and weep, thinking that life will never again be normal for her.
One day we went outdoors to sit in the sunshine and, as we looked off in the distance, there was a woman in a wheel chair making her way across the distant parking lot. She was alone, pushing herself backwards with one foot, a few inches at a time. I was a bit worried, in that moment, that Susan would see herself (in that woman) at some time in the future, so I did not say anything for fear of bringing that to mind. We were both silent and then, as the lady made her way behind a building and out of our view, Sue looked up at me and said in words as clear as ever, "We should be thankful for our blessings!"
"Thankful"?, I thought to myself! My wife, over several years, has been ill beyond anything she deserves, and we should be thankful? We have lost our ministry, our retirement, our freedom and my wife has lost the ability to care for herself and somehow this seemed, to me, like a strange way for her to react. After all, she could very well be in the same situation as this poor lady in the wheel chair, and in the not to distant future at that.
These thoughts lasted only for a few fleeting seconds. The Lord convicted me immediately.Then, I was reminded of my wife's powerful, albeit simple words. "We should be thankful for our blessings!" In that moment I started counting those blessings, as that great hymn suggests. Naming them, "one by one". We live comfortably, while finances are a challenge we have sufficient. We can communicate with each other, hug each other, share quiet moments throughout the day! We are able to enjoy our children and grandchildren. We can get out and move about many days. I have the physical and emotional strength to serve my wife in these days and most of all, we have a God who loves, enables and cares for us each step of the way. Then I realized that we had not lost our ministry at all. It has simply changed. I have a new, God given ministry to my wife and I hope she realizes that she ministers to me, also, in countless ways.
Some thoughts to remember.....
During these days I have come to realize that illness is not evidence of God 'punishing' us for past 'misdeeds'. Unfortunately, there are some who would have you believe this. God allows illness to visit His people for a reason. That reason may not always be clear, at first, but we can be assured, whatever it is, God knows exactly what is happening and why. He loves you and cares for you and He will work out His perfect will through you, even when illness is present.
Illness always brings with it the need for reliance upon God. During times of illness we feel most vulnerable. Some would say helpless. God wants us to exercise our faith in ways that bring honor and glory to Him. It is during times of affliction that God works His most powerful ways through us. He makes His presence felt by those who need Him the most. It is when we are at our most vulnerable that we 'cast all our care upon Him'. Depending upon Him for strength, endurance, understanding and compassion brings into our life a power that is sufficient to enable us to serve Him most effectively.
God has a grand design for our lives. We may not always understand it. It may not always be a plan that we would choose. But, as we stand in His presence, we come to realize His wisdom, perhaps in ways not understood before. For His people God works all things out for the good.
Finally, He will not leave you or forsake you! God is an ever present help in time of need. He is there for you to talk with, cry with, rejoice with and serve with. He is alongside of you and He will never be absent. That is true throughout life, but never more true than is times of great distress.
This knowledge is what helps each of us deal with our life circumstance. It is the realization that God has brought many blessings our way and He continues to do so. He is an ever loving, ever present God. It is upon Him that we rely. Whatever the future holds, we do not walk alone. It is not necessary for us to deal with these realities by ourselves. God draws up alongside, each step of the way.
Are you facing challenging circumstances in life? Are you dealing with the illness of a loved one? Please know that you need not do it alone! God stands, even now, at your side ready to guide, comfort, strengthen, and enable you to navigate difficult waters. Take some time to seek Him out and, as you do, "count your blessings"!
"The will of God will never take you
Where the grace of God cannot keep you,
Where the arms of God cannot support you,.
Where the riches of God cannot supply your needs,
Where the power of God cannot endow you."
May God Bless you! Gary D. Laws
She did very well for several years, then illness struck again. She would begin to experience many behavioral difficulties which no one could adequately explain. More doctors and multiple hospitalizations. More discouraging diagnosis. Then came the heart attacks, two to be precise, and ultimately 3 full blown strokes and a severe bout with depression over a one year period. By this time my son had joined the military and our ministry had taken us far away from our other four children who, now, were grown and had families of their own. It became necessary to leave our ministry of many years and move closer to three of our children. More doctors and hospitals, most recently a two month stay at which time we almost lost her.
Recently, the overall diagnosis for these newer conditions became Vascular Dementia, resulting from the strokes. Once again, this wonderful lady found herself totally dependent upon others for even the most simple things in life such as dressing, bathing, walking, eating and more. She is not always able to speak as she would like or formulate her words. Often, she will sit on the edge of the bed and weep, thinking that life will never again be normal for her.
One day we went outdoors to sit in the sunshine and, as we looked off in the distance, there was a woman in a wheel chair making her way across the distant parking lot. She was alone, pushing herself backwards with one foot, a few inches at a time. I was a bit worried, in that moment, that Susan would see herself (in that woman) at some time in the future, so I did not say anything for fear of bringing that to mind. We were both silent and then, as the lady made her way behind a building and out of our view, Sue looked up at me and said in words as clear as ever, "We should be thankful for our blessings!"
"Thankful"?, I thought to myself! My wife, over several years, has been ill beyond anything she deserves, and we should be thankful? We have lost our ministry, our retirement, our freedom and my wife has lost the ability to care for herself and somehow this seemed, to me, like a strange way for her to react. After all, she could very well be in the same situation as this poor lady in the wheel chair, and in the not to distant future at that.
These thoughts lasted only for a few fleeting seconds. The Lord convicted me immediately.Then, I was reminded of my wife's powerful, albeit simple words. "We should be thankful for our blessings!" In that moment I started counting those blessings, as that great hymn suggests. Naming them, "one by one". We live comfortably, while finances are a challenge we have sufficient. We can communicate with each other, hug each other, share quiet moments throughout the day! We are able to enjoy our children and grandchildren. We can get out and move about many days. I have the physical and emotional strength to serve my wife in these days and most of all, we have a God who loves, enables and cares for us each step of the way. Then I realized that we had not lost our ministry at all. It has simply changed. I have a new, God given ministry to my wife and I hope she realizes that she ministers to me, also, in countless ways.
Some thoughts to remember.....
During these days I have come to realize that illness is not evidence of God 'punishing' us for past 'misdeeds'. Unfortunately, there are some who would have you believe this. God allows illness to visit His people for a reason. That reason may not always be clear, at first, but we can be assured, whatever it is, God knows exactly what is happening and why. He loves you and cares for you and He will work out His perfect will through you, even when illness is present.
Illness always brings with it the need for reliance upon God. During times of illness we feel most vulnerable. Some would say helpless. God wants us to exercise our faith in ways that bring honor and glory to Him. It is during times of affliction that God works His most powerful ways through us. He makes His presence felt by those who need Him the most. It is when we are at our most vulnerable that we 'cast all our care upon Him'. Depending upon Him for strength, endurance, understanding and compassion brings into our life a power that is sufficient to enable us to serve Him most effectively.
God has a grand design for our lives. We may not always understand it. It may not always be a plan that we would choose. But, as we stand in His presence, we come to realize His wisdom, perhaps in ways not understood before. For His people God works all things out for the good.
Finally, He will not leave you or forsake you! God is an ever present help in time of need. He is there for you to talk with, cry with, rejoice with and serve with. He is alongside of you and He will never be absent. That is true throughout life, but never more true than is times of great distress.
This knowledge is what helps each of us deal with our life circumstance. It is the realization that God has brought many blessings our way and He continues to do so. He is an ever loving, ever present God. It is upon Him that we rely. Whatever the future holds, we do not walk alone. It is not necessary for us to deal with these realities by ourselves. God draws up alongside, each step of the way.
Are you facing challenging circumstances in life? Are you dealing with the illness of a loved one? Please know that you need not do it alone! God stands, even now, at your side ready to guide, comfort, strengthen, and enable you to navigate difficult waters. Take some time to seek Him out and, as you do, "count your blessings"!
"The will of God will never take you
Where the grace of God cannot keep you,
Where the arms of God cannot support you,.
Where the riches of God cannot supply your needs,
Where the power of God cannot endow you."
May God Bless you! Gary D. Laws
Saturday, July 9, 2011
A Thought About Success, Failure, and the Future
Over the course of our life we will experience succes and failure. Sometimes great success and significant failure. Don't dwell on your success, it will delude you. Don't dwell on your failures, they will discourage you. However, when one reaches their later years, it will be good to look back and conclude that we have done our best and, then, leave the past where it so rightfully belongs...in the past. Now...... let's greet tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
The Salvation Army-A Special Ministry or Just One of Many?
The Salvation Army-A Special Ministry or Just One of Many?
I have always believed the people of The Salvation Army to have a special, God ordained ministry. In 123 countries around the world the poor and disenfranchised find themselves on the doorsteps of the Army as they have no where else to turn. Meeting their needs is what the Army does!
However, the work of these 'Soldiers Without Swords' goes much further. Every Sunday they gather in Salvation Army churches to worship and give thanks to a holy God who not only cares for the body, but the soul. They preach to congregations that are made up of all socio-economic classes who share the common goal of feeding the soul of those who are spiritually hungry and need to know that God loves them. The soldiers of this Army recognise that the greatest good is done when mankind experiences a changed heart! Yet, they never impose their faith on anyone...they simply share their faith with those who are willing to listen.
Having said this, the poor and disenfranchised are that special ministry. The hungry who need food; the lonely who need a listening ear; the children who need a role model; the disaster victim who has lost everything; the prisoner who needs hope and on the list goes. It is unending.
What is most noteworthy is that they do this with little attention being given them. They don't get big headlines from the news organizations. They do not have any billion dollar donors. They quietly go about their work knowing that God is watching over them and working through them. Quietly looking for ways to make a difference. And to be sure, they do make a difference! They bring the most meaningful change to the peoples of the world. Never tiring, just doing what they believe God has ordained them to do; in the most public places and the most secretive shadows.
My challenge to the public at large is, do what you can to support them. My challenge to the soldiers of The Salvation Army is...always keep our Lord at the very center of what you do and the essence of who you are. In your relationship with the poor, with the congregant, with your leaders, with your subordinates allow Jesus Christ to reign supreme.
Of course, there are many wonderful ministries throughout the world. For sure the Army is one of them!
I, once, was blessed to have served with them. In my heart, that service continues.
I have always believed the people of The Salvation Army to have a special, God ordained ministry. In 123 countries around the world the poor and disenfranchised find themselves on the doorsteps of the Army as they have no where else to turn. Meeting their needs is what the Army does!
However, the work of these 'Soldiers Without Swords' goes much further. Every Sunday they gather in Salvation Army churches to worship and give thanks to a holy God who not only cares for the body, but the soul. They preach to congregations that are made up of all socio-economic classes who share the common goal of feeding the soul of those who are spiritually hungry and need to know that God loves them. The soldiers of this Army recognise that the greatest good is done when mankind experiences a changed heart! Yet, they never impose their faith on anyone...they simply share their faith with those who are willing to listen.
Having said this, the poor and disenfranchised are that special ministry. The hungry who need food; the lonely who need a listening ear; the children who need a role model; the disaster victim who has lost everything; the prisoner who needs hope and on the list goes. It is unending.
What is most noteworthy is that they do this with little attention being given them. They don't get big headlines from the news organizations. They do not have any billion dollar donors. They quietly go about their work knowing that God is watching over them and working through them. Quietly looking for ways to make a difference. And to be sure, they do make a difference! They bring the most meaningful change to the peoples of the world. Never tiring, just doing what they believe God has ordained them to do; in the most public places and the most secretive shadows.
My challenge to the public at large is, do what you can to support them. My challenge to the soldiers of The Salvation Army is...always keep our Lord at the very center of what you do and the essence of who you are. In your relationship with the poor, with the congregant, with your leaders, with your subordinates allow Jesus Christ to reign supreme.
Of course, there are many wonderful ministries throughout the world. For sure the Army is one of them!
I, once, was blessed to have served with them. In my heart, that service continues.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Concern Yourself with How Many are in Christ on Sunday!
Don't worry about how many are in church on Sunday; concern yourself with how many are in Christ on Sunday! (GDL)
All of us want to see our church grow, don't we. Pursuing this objective, we formulate plans, adopt methodologies, call prayer meetings, preach on the topic vociferously....all with church growth in mind!
However, many church leaders may be overlooking the most powerful and effective tool available to us; helping our current congregants become all that God desires them to be. I believe that the closer Christians get to God, the closer they get to their church growth objective. This is because the deeper our relationship with the living God...the more attuned we become to His 'Great Commision' desire to bring all people into a saving relationship with Himself. We begin to discover what we can be doing to reach the lost. Our role in church growth becomes clear.
Consider, today, how you can move your charges closer to their Lord. By doing so you will see God move in a mighty way and He will bring new people to serve under your leadership. This is because God desires to place His people under the leadership of those who will care for them and take care for their spiritual growth.
Plans and methodologies are fine. They have their place. However, don't worry about growing your congregation numerically; put your effort into growing those you have....spiritually. The numbers will follow!
All of us want to see our church grow, don't we. Pursuing this objective, we formulate plans, adopt methodologies, call prayer meetings, preach on the topic vociferously....all with church growth in mind!
However, many church leaders may be overlooking the most powerful and effective tool available to us; helping our current congregants become all that God desires them to be. I believe that the closer Christians get to God, the closer they get to their church growth objective. This is because the deeper our relationship with the living God...the more attuned we become to His 'Great Commision' desire to bring all people into a saving relationship with Himself. We begin to discover what we can be doing to reach the lost. Our role in church growth becomes clear.
Consider, today, how you can move your charges closer to their Lord. By doing so you will see God move in a mighty way and He will bring new people to serve under your leadership. This is because God desires to place His people under the leadership of those who will care for them and take care for their spiritual growth.
Plans and methodologies are fine. They have their place. However, don't worry about growing your congregation numerically; put your effort into growing those you have....spiritually. The numbers will follow!
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