While it is true that we do not have a full understanding of all that is contained in Scripture, it is also true that there is much that we do understand and know to be true. That truth must be must be proclaimed unfailingly! It is the truth by which we live! It is the truth that empowers us! It is the truth that saves all who would embrace it! Truth does not change simply because there are those who may find it uncomfortable!
We must always resist the temptation to alter the truth with a view toward making it more acceptable. We Evangelicals believe that there is only one way to experience forgiveness of sin, and that is through Jesus the Christ. Only one way to heaven! If we are to be accused of being narrowminded, then so be it! We plead guilty!
There are other truths that we proclaim. Marriage is established between one man and one woman! Sexual perversions are sin! Adultery, Coveteousness, Stealing, Murder, and more are procliamed in Scripture as being contrary to God's will! These and other truths are set out in the words of the Bible which we believe to be the divinely inspired Word of God Himself!
The greatest truth proclaimed in its pages, is that God sent His Son to provide an atonement for the whole world so that we can be delivered from those behaviors we know to be damning. We must never waiver from proclaiming this message! We must always, however, share it with a spirit of love toward those who need to hear it!
No, the world has no authority to change the truth of Scripture and we must never, never, never, give in to the 'winds that would destroy that truth'!
Gary Laws
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