... Ah, yes! The environs of my youth once again, but youth has escaped me as have many other faculties. Those once known are no longer present in this place. Now, my lot is to struggle with the things I once took for granted. My health, my understanding, my secure notions. I am tired from my journey. I seek a measure of rest and contentment. No more mountains to climb or valleys to descend into. No more dead ends. No more rainbows, palaces or performances. No time for such foolishness. Now I can rest! Reflect. Rejoice. Recall. Respond. Renew. I am now in a familiar place. I am also in a new place. The place that I have been given... for today. It has been an interesting road trip, this road well travelled. Ever changing scenery. It, I hope, has been a productive one.
As I look back over the many miles travelled, I realize that I have not been alone through any of it. Most important to me have been my travelling companions. They are the ones that I have trusted and trust today. My wife, my children, my friends. Did I mention that Jesus was there along the way? Oh, yes, a powerful presence in all this. He is here today!
How best to use the balance of unquantifiable time? I think I shall simply live in the moment and leave the rest to the One I trust most. I think I will limit my planning to today and enjoy the present. Making sure I am ready for that one last road trip. That's right, one more! The journey which will lead me into the presence of the One I so humbly have attempted to serve.
When that day comes I think I shall have my children go to my face book page, my internet blog and my Twitter account and make one last post on my behalf. It will say simply, "My Dad has finished his last Road Trip and arrived at his intended destination."
Gary Laws
Traveller ExtraordinaireSee More
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