The "By His Stripes" Journal online magazine is published by Evangelical Media Ministries of Lexington, Kentucky. Gary Laws, blogger, has served as a Pastor in the evangelical church and in many practical grassroots ministries for over 45 years. Seventeen of those years were in Salvation Army churches. While Gary is a Salvationist, this blog is not an official organ of The Salvation Army and all views expressed here are solely those of the blogger.

Saturday, July 31, 2010
Discipline or Mercy?
There is a time for discipline and a time for mercy. It is a true leader who knows which to extend and when. GDL
A Patchwork of Benelovence
All over the world, people are living in abstract poverty. In the United States there are tens of thousands of organizations committed to helping those who have been socially and economically marginalized. These well meaning groups help millions of families every year. Billions of dollars are spent on lifting these poor souls out of destructive life situations and putting them on a more stable road. Yet, the numbers living in poverty continue to go up and there are no signs that we are accomplishing very much at all.
There does not seem to be any one organization that has developed a comphrehensive approach to poverty, unemployment, underemployment, crime, etc. Each helps a little in many areas of need but none seem able to approach the problem as a whole.
In part, I believe, this is because there is little or no coordination of the myriad of services being offered. Every organization is out doing it's own thing in it's own way. Another reason is many organization are offering only those services for which funding is readily available. This makes sense. You cannot offer help without funding, can you?
For all of the good non profit agencies and government programs are doing, still there remains the problem... which is bigger, now, than ever before.
It is true, the Bible says "the poor will always be with you", but few agree on what these words really mean. Even so, surely there must be some way, some comprehensive and coordinated approach that society can take. An approach that will actually address the core problems faced by those who are, seemimgly, living without hope.
A bag of groceries here and a months rent there will never approach the root causes of poverty. Training, retraining, education and so much more have been offered, yet the chronic unemployed remain unemployed.
Now, I recognise that there are many reasons for poverty. Millions are slothful and do little to help themselves. Millions more are begging for opportunities to improve their life circumstances. Countless others just do not know how to rise above their situations. So, what are we to do? Are we to be satisfied with the patchwork of benevolent programs that are trying to accomplish the impossible? Are we to donate to the thousands of organizations, that have risen to meet human need, and consider our work done? There must be something more that society can do! There must be a way that we can pull all of our resources together so as to make a real, lasting, difference.
Today, we need someone or some group of people with a vision! A vision for lasting change... someone who understands the whole of the problem! Who will step up to the plate? Who will come onto the scene with some special annointing?
Until such a time as this comes, we will continue to do what we can do, however ineffective, because we are part of the patchwork and we want to help.
I have concluded that the only real answer will be found in our Christian faith. I believe that only God Himself can bring about the change we are yearning for. I think if we spent as much time agonizing in prayer, on behalf of the poor, as we do in raising money for the poor, God might just send the solution.
Shall we pray for God to send us another St. Francis or William Booth? I pray so!
There does not seem to be any one organization that has developed a comphrehensive approach to poverty, unemployment, underemployment, crime, etc. Each helps a little in many areas of need but none seem able to approach the problem as a whole.
In part, I believe, this is because there is little or no coordination of the myriad of services being offered. Every organization is out doing it's own thing in it's own way. Another reason is many organization are offering only those services for which funding is readily available. This makes sense. You cannot offer help without funding, can you?
For all of the good non profit agencies and government programs are doing, still there remains the problem... which is bigger, now, than ever before.
It is true, the Bible says "the poor will always be with you", but few agree on what these words really mean. Even so, surely there must be some way, some comprehensive and coordinated approach that society can take. An approach that will actually address the core problems faced by those who are, seemimgly, living without hope.
A bag of groceries here and a months rent there will never approach the root causes of poverty. Training, retraining, education and so much more have been offered, yet the chronic unemployed remain unemployed.
Now, I recognise that there are many reasons for poverty. Millions are slothful and do little to help themselves. Millions more are begging for opportunities to improve their life circumstances. Countless others just do not know how to rise above their situations. So, what are we to do? Are we to be satisfied with the patchwork of benevolent programs that are trying to accomplish the impossible? Are we to donate to the thousands of organizations, that have risen to meet human need, and consider our work done? There must be something more that society can do! There must be a way that we can pull all of our resources together so as to make a real, lasting, difference.
Today, we need someone or some group of people with a vision! A vision for lasting change... someone who understands the whole of the problem! Who will step up to the plate? Who will come onto the scene with some special annointing?
Until such a time as this comes, we will continue to do what we can do, however ineffective, because we are part of the patchwork and we want to help.
I have concluded that the only real answer will be found in our Christian faith. I believe that only God Himself can bring about the change we are yearning for. I think if we spent as much time agonizing in prayer, on behalf of the poor, as we do in raising money for the poor, God might just send the solution.
Shall we pray for God to send us another St. Francis or William Booth? I pray so!
Monday, July 26, 2010
I'm the Bad Guy....How'd That Happen
One of my favorite movies is 'Falling Down' with Michael Douglas. Douglas plays a middle class, formerly hard working character who had been divorced and lost visitation rights with his children. After a series of personal setbacks, he lost his defense industry job and became increasingly unhappy with life. He felt rejected by everyone he knew except his mother, who he lived with.
After several failed attempts to attend his daughter's birthday party he bought a gun, went on a series of crime ridden escapades then eventually found his ex-wife and daughter out on a Pacific Ocean pier.
A police officer (played by Robert Duvall) rushed to the pier, convinced that he was going to kill his family. After seperating them, Douglas, his back to the piers' railing and the officers gun pointed directly at him, realized, all of a sudden, how the circumstances of life had turned him from a respected, hard working, well paid, family man to a common criminal. Looking at, and speaking to the police officer he uttered the words, with the look of unbelief and confusion on his face, "I'm the bad'd that happen?" He pulled what the officer thought was a gun and he was shot, falling over the piers railing into the ocean, dead!
I thought to myself, what a tragic story and an even more tragic ending.
The truth is, many good people in our world are facing circumstances in life that they find difficult to cope with. Divorce, job loss, home foreclosures, disease, and so much more can bring devastating results if people are not willing or able to find help.
Perhaps you are in just such a situation. If so, you need to know that you can find your way through difficult times, whatever they may be. There is help available from many sources and there are people waiting to give you the assistance you need to pull through.
First, don't wait until things get out of control! If you are stressing out, do the sensible thing and contact a local mental health agency. Counselors are available to help you identify issues and deal with them.
Second, begin talking with a close friend whom you trust. Let them know what you are going through. It always helps to talk things out and get them off your chest. Perhaps your friend can be of help.
Third, see your primary care physician and tell him/her the whole story.
and Fourth, remember that you are a person of great worth and you have much to offer the world in the days ahead. Your problems are not insurmountable. God loves you and cares about your day to day experiences. He gave His Son so that you might live an abundant life. He stands ready to draw up alongside of you and walk with you each step of the way. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! In the healing process, don't neglect your spiritual needs. Talk to your Pastor. If you are not connected to a church, then find one nearby. You can be sure the local Pastor will want to help you find your way through your issues.
Above all, take positive action that will help you cope. You can do it! You do have the ability to navigate these difficult waters of life and YOU WILL find peace as you discover that better days really are ahead.
“Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” (MSG)
Phil 4:6-7
May God bless you!
After several failed attempts to attend his daughter's birthday party he bought a gun, went on a series of crime ridden escapades then eventually found his ex-wife and daughter out on a Pacific Ocean pier.
A police officer (played by Robert Duvall) rushed to the pier, convinced that he was going to kill his family. After seperating them, Douglas, his back to the piers' railing and the officers gun pointed directly at him, realized, all of a sudden, how the circumstances of life had turned him from a respected, hard working, well paid, family man to a common criminal. Looking at, and speaking to the police officer he uttered the words, with the look of unbelief and confusion on his face, "I'm the bad'd that happen?" He pulled what the officer thought was a gun and he was shot, falling over the piers railing into the ocean, dead!
I thought to myself, what a tragic story and an even more tragic ending.
The truth is, many good people in our world are facing circumstances in life that they find difficult to cope with. Divorce, job loss, home foreclosures, disease, and so much more can bring devastating results if people are not willing or able to find help.
Perhaps you are in just such a situation. If so, you need to know that you can find your way through difficult times, whatever they may be. There is help available from many sources and there are people waiting to give you the assistance you need to pull through.
First, don't wait until things get out of control! If you are stressing out, do the sensible thing and contact a local mental health agency. Counselors are available to help you identify issues and deal with them.
Second, begin talking with a close friend whom you trust. Let them know what you are going through. It always helps to talk things out and get them off your chest. Perhaps your friend can be of help.
Third, see your primary care physician and tell him/her the whole story.
and Fourth, remember that you are a person of great worth and you have much to offer the world in the days ahead. Your problems are not insurmountable. God loves you and cares about your day to day experiences. He gave His Son so that you might live an abundant life. He stands ready to draw up alongside of you and walk with you each step of the way. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! In the healing process, don't neglect your spiritual needs. Talk to your Pastor. If you are not connected to a church, then find one nearby. You can be sure the local Pastor will want to help you find your way through your issues.
Above all, take positive action that will help you cope. You can do it! You do have the ability to navigate these difficult waters of life and YOU WILL find peace as you discover that better days really are ahead.
“Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” (MSG)
Phil 4:6-7
May God bless you!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
What to Do When Relationships are Challenged and What are Your Responsibilities to Assure Success
1)You have a responsibility to ensure that you and your family are safe from harm.
Every family needs to know that they are living in a safe environment! This includes an atmosphere that is free from emotional and physical abuse. It is true that all relationships have their up's and down's and everyone will have disagreements over money, child rearing and the like. However, no one is obligated to remain in a relationship that is abusive. It is always best to seek professional help if this becomes and issue. Do not wait until behaviors get out of control. If you or your family are in imminent danger, seperate yourself from the situation and seek immediate help. If you are not in physical danger, then you may be able to work things out with the offending party before things escalate. In any event, professional help from a social worker or family Pastor is always a good idea. Do not wait until the situation deteriorates, seek the appropriate help now!
2)You have a responsibility to ensure that you and your children are being emotionally cared for.
Every spouse and child has the right to be emotionally cared for. We all need to feel good about ourselves, our lifestyles, and the role we play in the family. When it becomes apparent that a child or spouse is not contributing to our sense of well being, we should consider family counseling. To seek counseling is not an indication of failure. Quite the opposite is true. A willingness to enter into a counseling arrangement shows that you care enough to want the very best for all concerned.
3)You, also, have a responsibility to care for the emotional well being of your family.
Always make sure that you are making a postive contribution to the emotional health of your spouse and children. Encourage them, offer praise when appropriate, spend quality time with them and make certain they know you care for them. When issues arise, talk with them in such a way as to foster cooperation and an interchange of ideas.
4)You have a responsibility to ensure that you, your spouse and your children understand what each others needs are.
Supporting someone in their time of need is a wonderful thing. Nowhere else is this more true than within the family. Everyone experiences challenging times. Be there for them! Perhaps they need to be reassured of their self worth. Things may be challenging on the work front which contributes to much frustration and anxiety. All of us, from time to time, need to feel that those closest to us understand what we are going through.
5)You have a responsibillity to see that the economic needs of your family are being met.
This is always a challenging task! Our current economy is sluggish, at best. Most everyone would like to make a little more money and improve their standard of living. At the very least, adeqate food, shelter and clothing is necessary to successful family relationships. Take note that I used the word, "adequate". One does not have to be wealthy to enjoy healthy relationships. Some of the happiest people I know live modest lifestyles. Having said that, however, there may be many things one can do to improve their own personal economy. Getting occupational training, changing your workplace, going to school when possible, developing very good savings habits even when money is tight, seeking the advice of others and much more. It will help if your goals are achievable and they are in sync with the thinking and goals of your spouse. Do not become so discouraged that you fail to dream a little bit and then get busy making good things happen.
6)You have a responsibility to see that the spiritual needs of your family are being met.
If you believe in God, then act on what you believe!!! First, get yourself spiritually fit and then move your family in the same direction. Live a God honoring life before your Creator and your family. You cannot compel anyone else to live rightly, but you can set the example. Going to church is a good start. Taking your family with you is even better. You do not have to understand all things spiritual, but get started increasing your understanding a little bit at a time. What greater influence or resource can a family have than that of the Creator Himself? Do this and God will bless you!
Every family needs to know that they are living in a safe environment! This includes an atmosphere that is free from emotional and physical abuse. It is true that all relationships have their up's and down's and everyone will have disagreements over money, child rearing and the like. However, no one is obligated to remain in a relationship that is abusive. It is always best to seek professional help if this becomes and issue. Do not wait until behaviors get out of control. If you or your family are in imminent danger, seperate yourself from the situation and seek immediate help. If you are not in physical danger, then you may be able to work things out with the offending party before things escalate. In any event, professional help from a social worker or family Pastor is always a good idea. Do not wait until the situation deteriorates, seek the appropriate help now!
2)You have a responsibility to ensure that you and your children are being emotionally cared for.
Every spouse and child has the right to be emotionally cared for. We all need to feel good about ourselves, our lifestyles, and the role we play in the family. When it becomes apparent that a child or spouse is not contributing to our sense of well being, we should consider family counseling. To seek counseling is not an indication of failure. Quite the opposite is true. A willingness to enter into a counseling arrangement shows that you care enough to want the very best for all concerned.
3)You, also, have a responsibility to care for the emotional well being of your family.
Always make sure that you are making a postive contribution to the emotional health of your spouse and children. Encourage them, offer praise when appropriate, spend quality time with them and make certain they know you care for them. When issues arise, talk with them in such a way as to foster cooperation and an interchange of ideas.
4)You have a responsibility to ensure that you, your spouse and your children understand what each others needs are.
Supporting someone in their time of need is a wonderful thing. Nowhere else is this more true than within the family. Everyone experiences challenging times. Be there for them! Perhaps they need to be reassured of their self worth. Things may be challenging on the work front which contributes to much frustration and anxiety. All of us, from time to time, need to feel that those closest to us understand what we are going through.
5)You have a responsibillity to see that the economic needs of your family are being met.
This is always a challenging task! Our current economy is sluggish, at best. Most everyone would like to make a little more money and improve their standard of living. At the very least, adeqate food, shelter and clothing is necessary to successful family relationships. Take note that I used the word, "adequate". One does not have to be wealthy to enjoy healthy relationships. Some of the happiest people I know live modest lifestyles. Having said that, however, there may be many things one can do to improve their own personal economy. Getting occupational training, changing your workplace, going to school when possible, developing very good savings habits even when money is tight, seeking the advice of others and much more. It will help if your goals are achievable and they are in sync with the thinking and goals of your spouse. Do not become so discouraged that you fail to dream a little bit and then get busy making good things happen.
6)You have a responsibility to see that the spiritual needs of your family are being met.
If you believe in God, then act on what you believe!!! First, get yourself spiritually fit and then move your family in the same direction. Live a God honoring life before your Creator and your family. You cannot compel anyone else to live rightly, but you can set the example. Going to church is a good start. Taking your family with you is even better. You do not have to understand all things spiritual, but get started increasing your understanding a little bit at a time. What greater influence or resource can a family have than that of the Creator Himself? Do this and God will bless you!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
What To Do When Your Body Says 'No'! by Gary Laws
Things are just not the same anymore! There was a time, not long ago, that I was very active, going here and there, doing what I felt God had called me to do. I took great pleasure in being active and 'getting things done'.
My liesure time was spent engaging in activities with my family that were healthy and challenging. For most of my adult years I was filled with energy and it seemed that I could do just about anything, anytime I desired. Those were wonderful days.
Now, however, time has taken it's toll! In my mid sixties I found that I had slowed down considerably. Health issues surfaced that I never thought I would have to deal with. At the age of 61 I had quintuple bypass surgery. Now, three years later I still have not fully recovered. I have little energy and I have discovered that I am only a shadow of what I once was. More and more, by body is telling me 'no', you cannot do this anymore!
So, what do I do now? Do I just sit around and wait for the inevitable? Am I to be satisfied with a more sedentary lifestyle with restricted activity, destined to be home 24/7? I don't think so! Not yet, anyway.
While my activities have been modified so as to conform to my health realities, I believe there is still much for me to do.
First, I must realize that a change in behavior may be necessary if I am to be used of God in the days ahead. This will begin with 'taking care of what is left'!
I have a wonderful doctor. When I see him in the office he is very attentive and seems to care about my physical and emotional health. Given my new realities, he always gives helpful advice and prescribes just the medicines I need. However, I must confess that I have not always followed the advice given. I have come to learn that I must take care, in greater measure, to 'what is left'. I am getting better at this.
Second, I must learn to be content with my new lifestyle all the while realizing that there remain many ways for me to be productive. All is not lost simply because I now have limitations. God continues to interact with us and shows us how to remain in His will. Whatever character that new service takes on, we must trust that God will use us in just the way needed and we must be certain that He will keep on enabling us to conform to whatever direction He gives. I am learning to be happy and content, in the midst of my infirmities, because I know that God is in all of this.
Third, I should begin the process of discovering what God would now have me do in the midst of my new situation. Whatever our circumstances, God ALWAYS has something for us to do! We discover this by revisiting the 'old wells'. We must return to the rudimentary search we employed many years ago. We do that by seeking Him out in prayer and immersing ourselves, with new purpose, in His word. We must again become aware of the needs that we discover around us so as to not miss one opportunity that God sends our way. This is a daily excercise! Seek His face, seek His instruction and seek His annointing and you will discover just what it is that God would have you do. His will always takes into account our limitations.
Fourth, I must learn to rejoice and praise God for the new mission He has set me on. Perhaps we are not able to continue doing all that we have done in the past, but we can thank our Lord for what we can!
Indeed, our body may be saying 'no' to the many activities we were once involved in but, still, God will continue to direct our pathss in new and wonderful ways. Offer up prayers of thanksgiving and praise because God is not done with you yet!
My liesure time was spent engaging in activities with my family that were healthy and challenging. For most of my adult years I was filled with energy and it seemed that I could do just about anything, anytime I desired. Those were wonderful days.
Now, however, time has taken it's toll! In my mid sixties I found that I had slowed down considerably. Health issues surfaced that I never thought I would have to deal with. At the age of 61 I had quintuple bypass surgery. Now, three years later I still have not fully recovered. I have little energy and I have discovered that I am only a shadow of what I once was. More and more, by body is telling me 'no', you cannot do this anymore!
So, what do I do now? Do I just sit around and wait for the inevitable? Am I to be satisfied with a more sedentary lifestyle with restricted activity, destined to be home 24/7? I don't think so! Not yet, anyway.
While my activities have been modified so as to conform to my health realities, I believe there is still much for me to do.
First, I must realize that a change in behavior may be necessary if I am to be used of God in the days ahead. This will begin with 'taking care of what is left'!
I have a wonderful doctor. When I see him in the office he is very attentive and seems to care about my physical and emotional health. Given my new realities, he always gives helpful advice and prescribes just the medicines I need. However, I must confess that I have not always followed the advice given. I have come to learn that I must take care, in greater measure, to 'what is left'. I am getting better at this.
Second, I must learn to be content with my new lifestyle all the while realizing that there remain many ways for me to be productive. All is not lost simply because I now have limitations. God continues to interact with us and shows us how to remain in His will. Whatever character that new service takes on, we must trust that God will use us in just the way needed and we must be certain that He will keep on enabling us to conform to whatever direction He gives. I am learning to be happy and content, in the midst of my infirmities, because I know that God is in all of this.
Third, I should begin the process of discovering what God would now have me do in the midst of my new situation. Whatever our circumstances, God ALWAYS has something for us to do! We discover this by revisiting the 'old wells'. We must return to the rudimentary search we employed many years ago. We do that by seeking Him out in prayer and immersing ourselves, with new purpose, in His word. We must again become aware of the needs that we discover around us so as to not miss one opportunity that God sends our way. This is a daily excercise! Seek His face, seek His instruction and seek His annointing and you will discover just what it is that God would have you do. His will always takes into account our limitations.
Fourth, I must learn to rejoice and praise God for the new mission He has set me on. Perhaps we are not able to continue doing all that we have done in the past, but we can thank our Lord for what we can!
Indeed, our body may be saying 'no' to the many activities we were once involved in but, still, God will continue to direct our pathss in new and wonderful ways. Offer up prayers of thanksgiving and praise because God is not done with you yet!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Help Wanted
“Wanted, hearts baptized with fire,
Hearts completely cleansed from sin,
Hearts that will go to the mire,
Hearts that dare do aught for him;
Hearts that will be firmer, braver,
Hearts like heroes gone before,
Hearts enjoying God‘s full favor,
Hearts to love him more and more.”
John Lawley (1859-1922)
“Help Wanted” read the sign in the window of a Syracuse, New York grocery store in 1955. It attracted the interest of many young men who were desperately looking for work. Some were of school age and others were older persons with responsibilities and families to support.
The owner of the store had taken many dozens of applications and was having difficulty deciding who the best candidate would be. To his dismay, none of the applicants seemed to be the 'right one' for the position.
He was looking for someone who demonstrated a desire to pursue the grocery business as a lifelong career. Of the applications he had received, it appeared that none met his criteria. He needed someone who would be willing to work many hours, learn all facets of the business and devote his life to the success of the store; with a view toward one day being in full charge.
One day a youth about 18 years old applied for the position. During the interview he said to the owner, “Sir, I will do everything it takes to become the best employee you have. I am willing to take any position and I am willing to learn whatever is required.” The owner explained to this young man that he would have to start out as a stock clerk, but there would be room for advancement if he could prove himself. He told the boy that he would be with him each step of the way, giving him the needed instruction and encouragement to succeed…
if he was willing to make a total commitment to the task.
Excitedly, the young man told the owner that he would have his full commitment to the success of the business. He was hired on the spot!
There is a sense in which there is posted outside many of our churches today, a "Help Wanted‟ sign. God is calling people who are willing to make a full commitment to Him in Christian service. Our Lord is telling us that if we are willing to do what is required, He will walk with us each step of the way, providing the necessary instruction, encouragement, and favor so that we might succeed; first in our personal Christian walk and then in our personal service to Him.
There is no greater calling than the calling to Christian mission. That calling may lead many of you down different paths of service. Whatever those paths may be; one thing is for certain…God has a plan for your life and discovering that plan, and responding to it, will be an exciting adventure unparalleled by any other you might experience in life.
God is looking for hearts baptized with fire; people whose hearts have been cleansed from sin and are willing to go into the mire of this world, as thousands have before. God will bestow His favor and blessing upon those willing to make this commitment. Great miracles will flow from the consecrated hearts of Gods people who are willing to do His bidding.
Hearts completely cleansed from sin,
Hearts that will go to the mire,
Hearts that dare do aught for him;
Hearts that will be firmer, braver,
Hearts like heroes gone before,
Hearts enjoying God‘s full favor,
Hearts to love him more and more.”
John Lawley (1859-1922)
“Help Wanted” read the sign in the window of a Syracuse, New York grocery store in 1955. It attracted the interest of many young men who were desperately looking for work. Some were of school age and others were older persons with responsibilities and families to support.
The owner of the store had taken many dozens of applications and was having difficulty deciding who the best candidate would be. To his dismay, none of the applicants seemed to be the 'right one' for the position.
He was looking for someone who demonstrated a desire to pursue the grocery business as a lifelong career. Of the applications he had received, it appeared that none met his criteria. He needed someone who would be willing to work many hours, learn all facets of the business and devote his life to the success of the store; with a view toward one day being in full charge.
One day a youth about 18 years old applied for the position. During the interview he said to the owner, “Sir, I will do everything it takes to become the best employee you have. I am willing to take any position and I am willing to learn whatever is required.” The owner explained to this young man that he would have to start out as a stock clerk, but there would be room for advancement if he could prove himself. He told the boy that he would be with him each step of the way, giving him the needed instruction and encouragement to succeed…
if he was willing to make a total commitment to the task.
Excitedly, the young man told the owner that he would have his full commitment to the success of the business. He was hired on the spot!
There is a sense in which there is posted outside many of our churches today, a "Help Wanted‟ sign. God is calling people who are willing to make a full commitment to Him in Christian service. Our Lord is telling us that if we are willing to do what is required, He will walk with us each step of the way, providing the necessary instruction, encouragement, and favor so that we might succeed; first in our personal Christian walk and then in our personal service to Him.
There is no greater calling than the calling to Christian mission. That calling may lead many of you down different paths of service. Whatever those paths may be; one thing is for certain…God has a plan for your life and discovering that plan, and responding to it, will be an exciting adventure unparalleled by any other you might experience in life.
God is looking for hearts baptized with fire; people whose hearts have been cleansed from sin and are willing to go into the mire of this world, as thousands have before. God will bestow His favor and blessing upon those willing to make this commitment. Great miracles will flow from the consecrated hearts of Gods people who are willing to do His bidding.
The Centrality of the Cross
Central to all that a Pastor preaches is the cross of Jesus Christ. Without the cross there can be no redemption. Without redemption there can be no church. GDL
Monday, July 12, 2010
True ministry is not calling attention to yourself or your accomplishments. It is paying attention to others and calling attention to what Christ accomplished on the cross! GDL
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Nothing But the Truth!
““I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God!” We are all familiar with the oath one is required to take in a court of law. For centuries, witnesses have been taking this oath. The requirement of such an oath is based on the premise that criminal justice proceedings cannot be successfully held unless the truth is forthcoming and that truth must be whole and complete. It is so important it must be given with the help of God Himself: or so the oath implies! Of course, in order to state the truth, one must be in possession of the truth!
I would argue that if life is to be lived successfully it, also, must be based upon truth... the whole truth and nothing but the truth! Seeking the truth upon which life is based becomes a never ending pursuit and, if you are to truly find it, you must seek out the very source of life itself. For Christians, that source is the Creator. We believe God Himself and His truth can only be found in the one book He has given mankind…the Bible. I believe that the Bible not only contains truth but is the very embodiment of all truth!
I acknowledge, however, that not everyone would agree. For some in today’s world, the Bible is an interesting, albeit antiquated, compilation of historical writings: Opinion pieces, if you will, written by men who lived long ago. Some people believe this sacred text is inspiring, even useful if occasionally referenced, but little more.
For others, the Bible is a wonderfully exciting, living work given by God Himself as a handbook for Christian living. They maintain the Bible is absolute truth communicated to mankind by their Creator. By immersing themselves in its teachings, it will lead to the most intimate relationship possible with God. They believe it is inerrant…that is, without error.
I subscribe to the latter view! If some see such a position as ‘intellectually shallow’ …so be it!
Seeking out Biblical truth is essential for all Christians who desire to become the best that they can become. Applying these truths to life and then sharing them with others is the essence of successful Christian living. Do you really understand where in Scripture each truth comes from and do you accept the absolute nature of each? You will be the better for having sought out this important knowledge.
When I was a much younger man I wanted very much to share my faith with all who would listen. When the opportunity presented itself, I eagerly told others that God loved them and Jesus died for their sins. I soon learned, however, that there were many other Bible truths that I was not yet ready to share as I had not fully understood them. Further, I had some difficulty backing up my facts with the Scripture that supported these very important Bible truths.
There are fundamental principles contained in Scripture that all Christians should be aware of. Seeking out these principles will broaden our relationship with God and enable us to share them with others more effectively. Many of these truths relate to issues in our daily lives….divorce, remarriage, promiscuity, sanctification, helping the poor, prayer, fasting, righteous living, our people relationships, healing... and on the list goes. These are all principles dealt with in the Scriptures. Of course, we all have our opinion on these, and other matters, but do our opinions square with what the Bible teaches? Then there is the issue of the Bible itself! Are we settled in our hearts as it regards the truth of what is found there?
Most of us develop a level of awareness that serves to help us in our Christian walk. For example, we know that God is love. We see examples of His love all around us. We know that there are certain standards of behavior that God expects of those who claim His name. Further, we have become aware of specific doctrinal truths, contained in the Bible, that are critical to our understanding of God and His divine plan.
Discovering Bible truth will help all Christians, new and old, to develop a broader knowledge of their faith. It will assist them in understanding the authority upon which these principles rest and it will guide each through the process of discovery, using the Bible, so that each principle can be shared effectively with others.
Another discovery I made as a young Christian was that while I understood the existence of truth I did not always realize that my knowledge was very limited. It is important for all Christians to have an ever expanding knowledge of Scripture. This is so that we can grow spiritually and help others to do the same.
The truth of God’s word, the Holy Bible, is often thought to be for a specific people living in a certain age. In reality, these truths are for all mankind through all ages. The Bible is still relevant today...perhaps more relevant than ever.
Now, truth is as God gives it! God gives it as we seek it! This wonderful journey of discovery will enable us all to be fashioned more in the likeness of our creator.
So, I challenge all to learn and apply the truths of Scripture and to do so continually, every day! If you do, God will reward you with peace, your life will overflow with joy, and your ministry will be blessed beyond measure!
Gary D. Laws
I would argue that if life is to be lived successfully it, also, must be based upon truth... the whole truth and nothing but the truth! Seeking the truth upon which life is based becomes a never ending pursuit and, if you are to truly find it, you must seek out the very source of life itself. For Christians, that source is the Creator. We believe God Himself and His truth can only be found in the one book He has given mankind…the Bible. I believe that the Bible not only contains truth but is the very embodiment of all truth!
I acknowledge, however, that not everyone would agree. For some in today’s world, the Bible is an interesting, albeit antiquated, compilation of historical writings: Opinion pieces, if you will, written by men who lived long ago. Some people believe this sacred text is inspiring, even useful if occasionally referenced, but little more.
For others, the Bible is a wonderfully exciting, living work given by God Himself as a handbook for Christian living. They maintain the Bible is absolute truth communicated to mankind by their Creator. By immersing themselves in its teachings, it will lead to the most intimate relationship possible with God. They believe it is inerrant…that is, without error.
I subscribe to the latter view! If some see such a position as ‘intellectually shallow’ …so be it!
Seeking out Biblical truth is essential for all Christians who desire to become the best that they can become. Applying these truths to life and then sharing them with others is the essence of successful Christian living. Do you really understand where in Scripture each truth comes from and do you accept the absolute nature of each? You will be the better for having sought out this important knowledge.
When I was a much younger man I wanted very much to share my faith with all who would listen. When the opportunity presented itself, I eagerly told others that God loved them and Jesus died for their sins. I soon learned, however, that there were many other Bible truths that I was not yet ready to share as I had not fully understood them. Further, I had some difficulty backing up my facts with the Scripture that supported these very important Bible truths.
There are fundamental principles contained in Scripture that all Christians should be aware of. Seeking out these principles will broaden our relationship with God and enable us to share them with others more effectively. Many of these truths relate to issues in our daily lives….divorce, remarriage, promiscuity, sanctification, helping the poor, prayer, fasting, righteous living, our people relationships, healing... and on the list goes. These are all principles dealt with in the Scriptures. Of course, we all have our opinion on these, and other matters, but do our opinions square with what the Bible teaches? Then there is the issue of the Bible itself! Are we settled in our hearts as it regards the truth of what is found there?
Most of us develop a level of awareness that serves to help us in our Christian walk. For example, we know that God is love. We see examples of His love all around us. We know that there are certain standards of behavior that God expects of those who claim His name. Further, we have become aware of specific doctrinal truths, contained in the Bible, that are critical to our understanding of God and His divine plan.
Discovering Bible truth will help all Christians, new and old, to develop a broader knowledge of their faith. It will assist them in understanding the authority upon which these principles rest and it will guide each through the process of discovery, using the Bible, so that each principle can be shared effectively with others.
Another discovery I made as a young Christian was that while I understood the existence of truth I did not always realize that my knowledge was very limited. It is important for all Christians to have an ever expanding knowledge of Scripture. This is so that we can grow spiritually and help others to do the same.
The truth of God’s word, the Holy Bible, is often thought to be for a specific people living in a certain age. In reality, these truths are for all mankind through all ages. The Bible is still relevant today...perhaps more relevant than ever.
Now, truth is as God gives it! God gives it as we seek it! This wonderful journey of discovery will enable us all to be fashioned more in the likeness of our creator.
So, I challenge all to learn and apply the truths of Scripture and to do so continually, every day! If you do, God will reward you with peace, your life will overflow with joy, and your ministry will be blessed beyond measure!
Gary D. Laws
Friday, July 9, 2010
Is Visitation Still Relevant?
One fear that I have is that Pastor's are not as involved with the ministry of personal visitation as they once were!
More and more I am hearing from congregants that they rarely, if ever, have experienced a personal visitation from their pastoral staff. Some Pastor's have shared with me that they see their flock so often at church activities that they feel visitation is no longer necessary!
I must say that I do not agree. I know of no other outreach that can take the place of a Pastor sitting in the home of their people and talking with them about their spiritual life. It is true that they hear from us every Sunday in our preachments and we see them often at other times. However, these occasions do not allow us the opportunity to get personal with our people. It is by way of visitation that they know of our personal care and concern for them.
As you sit and establish your priorities, make one of them visitation. You may find that your people will grow spiritually and your attendance will grow numerically. God will bless you for this effort and your people will be drawn closer to God.
Is visitation still relevant? You bet it is. It is also expected of you even though few may point that out!
More and more I am hearing from congregants that they rarely, if ever, have experienced a personal visitation from their pastoral staff. Some Pastor's have shared with me that they see their flock so often at church activities that they feel visitation is no longer necessary!
I must say that I do not agree. I know of no other outreach that can take the place of a Pastor sitting in the home of their people and talking with them about their spiritual life. It is true that they hear from us every Sunday in our preachments and we see them often at other times. However, these occasions do not allow us the opportunity to get personal with our people. It is by way of visitation that they know of our personal care and concern for them.
As you sit and establish your priorities, make one of them visitation. You may find that your people will grow spiritually and your attendance will grow numerically. God will bless you for this effort and your people will be drawn closer to God.
Is visitation still relevant? You bet it is. It is also expected of you even though few may point that out!
New Book by Jack Getz
New Book by my friend Jack Getz, Salvationist from Atlanta, Georgia USA. Available as an ebook or paperback. This can be ordered from any book store. Published by
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
So, Now You Are a DC
1) Work as many hours as the ministry requires but take time for yourself.
2) Don't be afraid to share the responsibility with competent staff.
3) Spend quality time encouraging your officers and praying with and for them, one on one.
4) Keep yourself in the center of His will.
Do this and you will make a difference.
(Don't you just hate it when someone at the bottom of the 'totem' presumes to give you advice?)
2) Don't be afraid to share the responsibility with competent staff.
3) Spend quality time encouraging your officers and praying with and for them, one on one.
4) Keep yourself in the center of His will.
Do this and you will make a difference.
(Don't you just hate it when someone at the bottom of the 'totem' presumes to give you advice?)
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The Cab Horse Charter
William Booth maintained that if a cab horse, (the forerunner of the engine of a taxi) fell, we would do all we could to put it on its feet again, without any questions being asked. It had 'a shelter for the night, food for its stomach and work allotted to it by which it can earn its corn.' That,' he continued, 'although a humble standard, is at present absolutely unattainable by millions - literally by millions - of our fellow men and women.'
With All Who Will Listen
After serving 30+ years in a variety of ministries, including 17 years in the pulpit, I have come to appreciate the simple one on one experience of sharing my personal testimony with anyone who will listen. I don't seek to impose my views on others, simply to share them with those who possess an inclined ear.
Monday, July 5, 2010
William Booth
“We must wake ourselves up! Or somebody else will take our place, and bear our cross, and thereby rob us of our crown.” William Booth
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