One of my favorite movies is 'Falling Down' with Michael Douglas. Douglas plays a middle class, formerly hard working character who had been divorced and lost visitation rights with his children. After a series of personal setbacks, he lost his defense industry job and became increasingly unhappy with life. He felt rejected by everyone he knew except his mother, who he lived with.
After several failed attempts to attend his daughter's birthday party he bought a gun, went on a series of crime ridden escapades then eventually found his ex-wife and daughter out on a Pacific Ocean pier.
A police officer (played by Robert Duvall) rushed to the pier, convinced that he was going to kill his family. After seperating them, Douglas, his back to the piers' railing and the officers gun pointed directly at him, realized, all of a sudden, how the circumstances of life had turned him from a respected, hard working, well paid, family man to a common criminal. Looking at, and speaking to the police officer he uttered the words, with the look of unbelief and confusion on his face, "I'm the bad'd that happen?" He pulled what the officer thought was a gun and he was shot, falling over the piers railing into the ocean, dead!
I thought to myself, what a tragic story and an even more tragic ending.
The truth is, many good people in our world are facing circumstances in life that they find difficult to cope with. Divorce, job loss, home foreclosures, disease, and so much more can bring devastating results if people are not willing or able to find help.
Perhaps you are in just such a situation. If so, you need to know that you can find your way through difficult times, whatever they may be. There is help available from many sources and there are people waiting to give you the assistance you need to pull through.
First, don't wait until things get out of control! If you are stressing out, do the sensible thing and contact a local mental health agency. Counselors are available to help you identify issues and deal with them.
Second, begin talking with a close friend whom you trust. Let them know what you are going through. It always helps to talk things out and get them off your chest. Perhaps your friend can be of help.
Third, see your primary care physician and tell him/her the whole story.
and Fourth, remember that you are a person of great worth and you have much to offer the world in the days ahead. Your problems are not insurmountable. God loves you and cares about your day to day experiences. He gave His Son so that you might live an abundant life. He stands ready to draw up alongside of you and walk with you each step of the way. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! In the healing process, don't neglect your spiritual needs. Talk to your Pastor. If you are not connected to a church, then find one nearby. You can be sure the local Pastor will want to help you find your way through your issues.
Above all, take positive action that will help you cope. You can do it! You do have the ability to navigate these difficult waters of life and YOU WILL find peace as you discover that better days really are ahead.
“Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” (MSG)
Phil 4:6-7
May God bless you!
The "By His Stripes" Journal online magazine is published by Evangelical Media Ministries of Lexington, Kentucky. Gary Laws, blogger, has served as a Pastor in the evangelical church and in many practical grassroots ministries for over 45 years. Seventeen of those years were in Salvation Army churches. While Gary is a Salvationist, this blog is not an official organ of The Salvation Army and all views expressed here are solely those of the blogger.

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