

Friday, July 9, 2010

Is Visitation Still Relevant?

One fear that I have is that Pastor's are not as involved with the ministry of personal visitation as they once were!

More and more I am hearing from congregants that they rarely, if ever, have experienced a personal visitation from their pastoral staff. Some Pastor's have shared with me that they see their flock so often at church activities that they feel visitation is no longer necessary!

I must say that I do not agree. I know of no other outreach that can take the place of a Pastor sitting in the home of their people and talking with them about their spiritual life. It is true that they hear from us every Sunday in our preachments and we see them often at other times. However, these occasions do not allow us the opportunity to get personal with our people. It is by way of visitation that they know of our personal care and concern for them.

As you sit and establish your priorities, make one of them visitation. You may find that your people will grow spiritually and your attendance will grow numerically. God will bless you for this effort and your people will be drawn closer to God.

Is visitation still relevant? You bet it is. It is also expected of you even though few may point that out!

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