

Thursday, July 22, 2010

What to Do When Relationships are Challenged and What are Your Responsibilities to Assure Success

1)You have a responsibility to ensure that you and your family are safe from harm.

Every family needs to know that they are living in a safe environment! This includes an atmosphere that is free from emotional and physical abuse. It is true that all relationships have their up's and down's and everyone will have disagreements over money, child rearing and the like. However, no one is obligated to remain in a relationship that is abusive. It is always best to seek professional help if this becomes and issue. Do not wait until behaviors get out of control. If you or your family are in imminent danger, seperate yourself from the situation and seek immediate help. If you are not in physical danger, then you may be able to work things out with the offending party before things escalate. In any event, professional help from a social worker or family Pastor is always a good idea. Do not wait until the situation deteriorates, seek the appropriate help now!

2)You have a responsibility to ensure that you and your children are being emotionally cared for.

Every spouse and child has the right to be emotionally cared for. We all need to feel good about ourselves, our lifestyles, and the role we play in the family. When it becomes apparent that a child or spouse is not contributing to our sense of well being, we should consider family counseling. To seek counseling is not an indication of failure. Quite the opposite is true. A willingness to enter into a counseling arrangement shows that you care enough to want the very best for all concerned.

3)You, also, have a responsibility to care for the emotional well being of your family.

Always make sure that you are making a postive contribution to the emotional health of your spouse and children. Encourage them, offer praise when appropriate, spend quality time with them and make certain they know you care for them. When issues arise, talk with them in such a way as to foster cooperation and an interchange of ideas.

4)You have a responsibility to ensure that you, your spouse and your children understand what each others needs are.

Supporting someone in their time of need is a wonderful thing. Nowhere else is this more true than within the family. Everyone experiences challenging times. Be there for them! Perhaps they need to be reassured of their self worth. Things may be challenging on the work front which contributes to much frustration and anxiety. All of us, from time to time, need to feel that those closest to us understand what we are going through.

5)You have a responsibillity to see that the economic needs of your family are being met.

This is always a challenging task! Our current economy is sluggish, at best. Most everyone would like to make a little more money and improve their standard of living. At the very least, adeqate food, shelter and clothing is necessary to successful family relationships. Take note that I used the word, "adequate". One does not have to be wealthy to enjoy healthy relationships. Some of the happiest people I know live modest lifestyles. Having said that, however, there may be many things one can do to improve their own personal economy. Getting occupational training, changing your workplace, going to school when possible, developing very good savings habits even when money is tight, seeking the advice of others and much more. It will help if your goals are achievable and they are in sync with the thinking and goals of your spouse. Do not become so discouraged that you fail to dream a little bit and then get busy making good things happen.

6)You have a responsibility to see that the spiritual needs of your family are being met.

If you believe in God, then act on what you believe!!! First, get yourself spiritually fit and then move your family in the same direction. Live a God honoring life before your Creator and your family. You cannot compel anyone else to live rightly, but you can set the example. Going to church is a good start. Taking your family with you is even better. You do not have to understand all things spiritual, but get started increasing your understanding a little bit at a time. What greater influence or resource can a family have than that of the Creator Himself? Do this and God will bless you!

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